Paths cross for a reason - Chris x reader ANGST

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Requested by: StephanieAjasa
Setting: Adulthood

You and Chris were practically inseparable many years ago, despite your ups and downs. You have spent years making memories, laughing, and being with each other throughout high school. Until you graduated and Chris' true personality started shining through.

It wasn't a secret that Chris could be a narcissist. You started to notice his facade start to come through, and you had a feeling that you were only seeing a small part of him. It has been almost ten years since you've last saw Chris, and so much has changed. He is a host of a reality TV show called 'Total Drama,' while you were a (career you're passionate about).

When you ended your friendship with Chris because you didn't want to deal with his narcissism and entitlement, it seemed like he didn't care. It was no surprise to you because he always only cared about himself, but that didn't make things easier.

Lost in thought, you decided to head to a cafe for a nice drink and probably a cupcake. Food always makes you feel better.

As you stood in line waiting to order your coffee and cake, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw a familiar face, Chris.

"Chris?" Your voice quivered with surprise and uncertainty.

"Y/N?" Chris blinked, unable to believe his eyes. "Is it really you?"

You exchanged awkward smiles, both realizing that the wounds of the past had not yet healed. You both decided to sit down at a nearby table and attempt to settle your differences.

As you sat down at the table, a mix of emotions flooded over you—nostalgia, anger, and a glimmer of hope for closure. The cafe buzzed with conversations around you, but the tension between you and Chris created an almost palpable silence.

"So, it's been a while," Chris finally broke the silence, his voice carrying a hint of remorse.

"Yeah, it has," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. "A lot has changed since we last saw each other."

Chris nodded, his gaze drifting away for a moment before returning to meet your eyes. "Look, Y/N, I know I wasn't the best friend back then. I've done a lot of reflecting on how I treated people, including you."

His words caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope that perhaps Chris had genuinely changed. But deep down, you still had your doubts.

"Reflecting?" you asked.

Chris nodded, "Yeah just some dumb stuff. How about we catch up just like old times?"

You hesitated for a moment but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, "Sure."


"You're talking to that Chris guy again?" Your best friend asked, scoffing at you in disbelief.

You nodded, still not believing it yourself, "Yeah, I know it sounds silly, but I believe in second chances, you know?"

"Second chances?" They shook their head, glaring at you. "Y/N, you gave Chris more than second chances and he always hurts you. Just let it be."

"Look, I know it sounds crazy, but that was ten years ago. Let me try giving him a chance. One last chance. I'll be careful, I promise."

Your best friend sighed and said, "Fine, Y/N. But whatever happens, I'm here."

For the next few weeks, you and Chris tried your best to reconnect by going on dates and recreating old memories such as going to your favorite restaurants or trips to the beach. 

However, it became evident that your time apart had changed you both. Chris had become more arrogant and self-centered, his ego inflated by his success as a reality TV host. You, on the other hand, have matured into a compassionate and understanding individual.

Chris had deep feelings for you, and couldn't help but act out. He would make snide remarks and belittle your accomplishments, unable to express his true emotions. He thought you wouldn't care since he didn't care either. 

Despite Chris's behavior, you remained patient, hoping that he would eventually change for the better. You tried to understand that his actions stemmed from his own insecurities and fear of vulnerability. But as time went on, it became increasingly clear that Chris's narcissism was deeply ingrained and he was still the same jerk who broke your heart. 

One day, as you and Chris sat together at the cafe where you met again for the first time, he made another hurtful comment about your career goals.

"You're never going to be a good (profession). You should give up on that dream and find a more realistic one. Like being a housewife," he said, giving you a mocking smile.

You felt a sting of anger and sadness. This was not the first time he had told you this, nor would it be the last.

"I'm going to be a great (profession)," you said, giving Chris a determined smile. You stormed out of the cafe, feeling completely burned out.

Chris chased after you, gently grasping your hand to stop you from leaving. "Y/N, wait."

You looked directly into Chris's eyes, your voice firm but filled with disappointment. "Chris, I can't keep doing this. I've given you countless chances, hoping that you would change, but it's clear now that you're unable to see beyond your own ego. I deserve better than this."

Chris's face contorted with a mixture of surprise and anger. "What are you talking about? We've been through so much together. We're meant to be!"

You shook your head, a newfound strength building within you. "No, Chris. Love shouldn't be about tearing each other down. It should be about supporting and uplifting one another. I've realized that you'll never truly change because you're a narcissist. I can't continue subjecting myself to your hurtful behavior."

You took your hand from his, gathering all the strength you could to not break down, as you began to walk away. "I deserve someone who will treat me with respect and love. Someone who will embrace my dreams and celebrate my successes. It's time for me to let go and find that person, even if it's not you."

Chris watched you in disbelief, his arrogance momentarily shattered. He reached out to grab your arm again, but you pulled away, your voice filled with finality. "Goodbye, Chris. I hope you find the happiness and self-reflection you need, but it won't be with me."

With that, you turned away, leaving Chris behind as you walked away from the parking lot of the cafe and out of his life forever.

Chris was devastated by your departure but he was forced to confront the consequences of his actions. He tried to tell himself he didn't care, but deep down he did. He knew no amount of money he earned from Total Drama couldn't fix this. He realized that his narcissistic tendencies had cost him not only a friendship but also a chance at love. It was a wake-up call he couldn't ignore.

Years passed, and both you and Chris moved on with your lives. You both found happiness in different ways, but the memories of your time together in high school remained etched in your hearts.

Chris still did not change and based on all the news you heard from Total Drama about how he harms his contestants and treats Chef, you knew you made the right decision to not associate with Chris. Although he still held a special place in your heart, he was not the man you thought he was. 

Sometimes, paths cross for a reason, even if it's just to teach us the importance of self-reflection and growth.

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