I'm still your brother - Justin x lil sister reader

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Requested by: DaeWae998

AU: High school

I'll be updating more again, since the semester is done. Thank you for being patient with me. For now, requests are closed until I finish the ones that were requested before my hiatus. Thanks again!


You tried your best to push down that uneasy feeling in your stomach, as you walked to school with your brother Justin. Justin kept talking and you were barely paying attention to him, because you were worried about what might happen, once you walk into the building.

You were a freshman and your brother was a senior. Knowing your brother went to the same school as you made you feel a bit safe, but not as safe as you should be.

A group of seniors named Amy, Taylor, Heather, Beth, and Lindsay enjoyed tormenting you, because you didn't do the same things as your brother. Justin liked to model, you liked to play sports. Justin was very popular, you had a small group of close friends. You tried not to let those comparisons get to you, but sometimes it hurt.

"Y/N?" You looked up and saw Justin eyeing you with curiosity.


"You've zoned out again. What's wrong?"

You put on your best fake smile and shook your head. "Nothing. Just nervous about this big test coming up."

Justin chuckled and ruffled your hair, causing you to playfully shove him.

"You'll do fine."

You laugh a little, "I hope so."

You didn't want to tell your brother what was really going on, because you didn't want him to be worried. He already had a peak with his modeling and a social status to keep up. You didn't want to interfere with that.

You and Justin arrived at school, and parted ways to meet with your friend groups. You smiled, seeing your best friends Mickey and Jay waiting for you by your locker.

"Hey guys." You smile, and they waved at you.

"Hi Y/N!" They said.

"Are you ready for that big test on economics coming up tomorrow?" You ask.

"What test?!" Jay exclaimed, then frantically searched his bag for his notes.

Mickey chuckled, "I hope I do good. I mean, I read the chapter."

You laughed at them, "Wow, you guys."

The bell rang, and you all headed to class.


As you were walking to class, you felt someone shove you against the wall. You looked up in fear, seeing it was Amy. Behind her were her friends Taylor, Beth and Lindsay, but Heather was missing.

"Aww, is the loser scared?" Amy laughed, and her group joined in.

"Amy, please. I have to get to class." You told her, looking around for help.

"Don't bother going to class. You're too stupid and you're not as smart as your brother." Amy answered.

"Yeah, and what's with your clothes?" Taylor laughed. "You would expect a sister of a model to be beautiful, but you're not even half close to being beautiful."

That comment really got to you. You felt tears form in your eyes, and wiped one away. Amy saw this and began to laugh along with Taylor. You glanced over to Lindsay and Beth, who looked guilty.

"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Amy laughed.

"Yeah, stop trying to be enough, Y/N, because you never will be." Taylor commented.

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