Passing time - Jasmine x Male!reader LEMON

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Requested by: JebTheCanadian
AU: Adulthood, after total drama

"And these flowers are native to our people."

You and your wife, Jasmine decided to go for a group hike today as an activity for a date. Based on the brochure, the hike looked interesting with a lot of waterfalls and cute animals. However, you guys had been here for an hour already and you found this trip boring. When you and Jasmine signed up, you both thought it would be similar to the sceneries like your time together at Total Drama Pahkitew Island. This was basically just a flower field with trees with no animals except bugs.

You glanced at Jasmine, who also had a bored expression on her face. She kept sighing and nodding at the man going on and on about stupid flowers. You smiled a little at her pout then held her hand. She looked down at you, smiling softly.

Jasmine bent down to you and you whispered, "Want to get out of here?"

She nodded then you both went to inform the tour guide that you were leaving. Afterwards, you and Jasmine walked on your way out of the forest.

"Man, that sucked." You chuckled, glancing around the area. "This place looks nothing like the brochure."

Jasmine smiled, "It does. It's a good thing we're leaving but it sucks that we wasted money."

You looked around then spotted a mountain from afar, "I hadn't noticed that mountain earlier. Let's check it out."

Jasmine nodded, as you both walked together towards the mountain. You knew you would probably get caught then told to leave, but you thought the trip was boring and wanted to make the most of exploring the forest.

You and Jasmine reached the mountain, noticing there was also a river next to it. Birds were chirping and the river glistened from the sun.

"This place is beautiful." Jasmine said, glancing around the area.

You chuckled then picked a yellow flower that grew near the river. You handed it to Jasmine, "For you."

Jasmine took the flower then put it in her pocket with the flower head sticking out.

"Want to go to the top?" You asked.


You and Jasmine walked towards the mountain and started getting your supplies out to help you climb. You both admired the view as you climbed near the top, then spotted a cave. Out of curiosity, you and Jasmine walked into the cave.

"This is awesome!" You laughed, turning on your flashlight.

"It is!" Jasmine laughed. "I think the tour guide took us the wrong way because this place does look like the one in the brochure."

"That makes sense." You chuckled.

Jasmine sat in front of the cave, after you two walked out. She gazed at the view from afar, admiring how everything looked like it was from a movie. You sat beside her then she turned towards you, "Thank you, Y/N for bringing me here."

"Of course. I am the best husband ever, after all." You smirked, as she leaned onto you.

"You are!" She chuckled, grinning slightly.

After a few moments of silence, she began pulling you into a kiss. You kissed her back, taking off her hat then ran your hand through her hair, then gripped her shoulders. 

Jasmine pulled away, blushing, then whispered, "Do you want to have more of a good time?"

Getting the hint of what she meant, you stood up then took her by the hand back into the cave. You climbed on top of Jasmine after she laid down, bringing her into a kiss. She then started unbuttoning your pants, as you helped her slide them off. You helped Jasmine pull down her shorts, then she helped you slide off your underwear.

You quickly got off of her, then went to your bag to get a condom you packed, silently thanking your past self for being prepared.

You kneeled in front of Jasmine, sliding on the condom, then began thrusting in and out of her. She scratched the floor of the cave, then leaned her head back moaning in pleasure. In the middle of it, you stopped then climbed onto her and whispered, "You're so beautiful."

Jasmine smiled, then you both continued with deep pleasure, ending with a gentle kiss. You both quickly put your clothes on, and you put the used condom into your bag, making a mental note to throw it away in a public restroom on the way home.

As you and Jasmine walked down the mountain, you both admired the view one last time. You took a few pictures of you and Jasmine by the river with a view of the mountain in the background. 

You turned to Jasmine, after you got into your car then smiled, "I had quite the fun with you today."

She smirked, then pulled you into another kiss, "Me too."

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