Flower shop - Mal x reader LEMON

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Requested by: Seven626

You hummed, and smiled at the sound of birds chirping, as you placed your bouquet of lilies onto the shop's display. You have owned this flower shop for about a year now, and loved it. The customers are friendly more than half the time, your small business was popular, and you could grow all the flowers you want and any kind.

All the bouquets in your shop are from flowers grown by you and your family. You have done a lot of gardening as a child, which was something your family often did to spend time together. You found the art of nature so inspiring, as life painted the picture of its creations itself.

Just as you started walking into a room to get more of the bouquets you spent hours putting together, three people bursted into your shop. Two of them were guys, one of them you knew as 'Duncan' whose mother sent him here once to get flowers for a wedding, and one was a girl you recognized from college art class, named Gwen. You didn't recognize the last guy, who had dark skin and wore a blue shirt. The two guys took handfuls of your bouquets, ripping them apart, while Gwen tried getting them to stop.

"Stop!" You cried out, running towards the scene. You tried taking the bouquets away from the guys, but they yanked it back, tearing it in front of your face. "Please stop!"

"Too bad!" Duncan laughed at you. Before you could reply, the other guy with tan skin, and dark hair kicked your shelves down. Duncan took some spray paint and wrote markings all over your wall.

"What's going on?" You tried to ask, not knowing how to diffuse the situation. "Why are you doing this?" They didn't listen to you at all, continuing to destroy the place.

Gwen gave you a guilty look. "I'm so sorry, my friends are drunk and they've been getting intense lately with their shenanigans. I'll try to fix this. I'm so sorry."

You glanced at the tan guy, seeing he was tripping over his own feet, trying to smash everything in sight while at it. Duncan had a bottle of alcohol, and he threw it at your window, causing the glass to break and the shop to smell like beer. You huffed, seeing enough. You took your phone out of your pocket, "I'm calling the police."

Before you could dial the number, Gwen said, "Wait!"

You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "What do you mean wait? They're damaging my property. They can wait in prison."

"I know, I know." She hushed you, looking at Duncan and his friend shamefully, "But you can't call the police.. Please. They already have three strikes against them, and if they go to prison, their lives could be ruined. They are very nice people, it's just their pranks can get out of hand, especially when they drink."

"Look at my shop, Gwen." You sighed, feeling yourself tear up at the mess. "This is going to take a while to fix."

"Yeah, but-"

Gwen stopped, when she saw you crying. She frowned, feeling bad for what happened. She walked towards Duncan and his friend, then slapped them in the face. The two guys stopped what they were doing. Duncan fell flat face onto the floor, while his friend rubbed his cheek.

"How about this; if Duncan and Mal stay back and clean your shop, and help out with the business, would you agree to not press charges?" Gwen asked, hoping you'd say yes.

"I guess." You sniffled, wiping your tears. "But one mistake, and they're off to prison."

Gwen nodded, pulling the guys out of the shop. "They will be back here tomorrow when your shop opens first thing in the morning."

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