Steer clear from Aleheinous - Bridgette x Gn!reader

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Requested by: RandomThingsofMine
Setting: TDWT - The Yukon episode

Y/N was one of the new contestants that joined Total Drama World Tour. They were one of the first people to know that Alejandro was up to no good when he started acting strangely. Y/N saw through his 'kind' acts because this was something they often witnessed in high school from a lot of the people they used to call friends. 

Y/N noticed Bridgette sighing and looking down, deep in thought, so they decided to check on her. They walked over and asked Bridgette if she was okay. 

She looked up and gave them a sad smile. "Hi Y/N. I'm fine, it's just that I missed Geoff. I don't know what to do without him."

Y/N smiled sympathetically at her and said, "I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work without him. You're a very strong person and you'll get through this."

Bridgette sighed, "Thanks Y/N. I'll try to remember that."

The plane started to shake and Y/N reached for Bridgette's hand to hold onto in case she got scared. Bridgette smiled appreciatively as she held onto their hand. The plane crashed and Y/N yelled out, "Hold on tight!"

The plane soon landed on the Yukon, which was freezing. Bridgette instinctively held Y/N to keep warm. Alejandro winked at Bridgette, causing her to blush. Y/N noticed and guided Bridgette away from Alejandro's charming eyes. 

"Be careful around Alejandro." You whispered into Bridgette's ear. "He's up to no good."

"Are you sure? He seems nice." Bridgette asked, looking confused. 

"I'm more than sure. He acts like those fakes from high school that I know of." Y/N assured her, glancing at him who was still looking their way. 

Bridgette nodded hesitantly. She was used to giving people the benefit of the doubt despite how they came across but she decided to stick with Y/N just in case. 


Throughout the challenge, as usual, Team Victory struggled to complete their challenge. It sucked for Y/N to be part of the losing team, but they tried to think positive and make the most of it. However, it was still frustrating. 

Y/N glared at Alejandro, who was on Team Chris, as he flirted with Bridgette causing her to keep giggling and blushing. Y/N shook their head then approached them, gently grabbing Bridgette's hand from from Alejandro's. 

"Bridgette, you need to focus. Let's go." Y/N told her. Bridgette nodded, then followed Y/N to try and complete the challenge. 

Alejandro kept trying to help Y/N and Bridgette out by flirting with both of them, but Y/N was the only one to see right through it. He offered to help Y/N and Bridgette, as long as they agreed to helping him, and although Bridgette almost agreed, Y/N made sure they steered clear from Alejandro. 

"Come on." Y/N said, taking Bridgette away from Alejandro again. It was starting to get frustrating having to constantly pull her away, but Y/N didn't give up. They cared for Bridgette too deeply, even though they'd only known her for a few days. 

"Shall we have one more accident?" Alejandro said slyly, leaning closer to Bridgette. Bridgette blushed, knowing exactly what he was referring to. He and Bridgette accidentally kissed earlier when she tripped and fell on top of him before Y/N intervened. 

Bridgette ignored Y/N's protests and leaned in to kiss Alejandro. However, Alejandro quickly moved away and before Bridgette could react to her tongue almost touching the pole, at lightning speed, Y/N stepped in front of it, causing Bridgette to kiss them instead. 

The kiss with Bridgette was very brief and ended just as quickly as it started because Y/N didn't want to violate Bridgette's boundaries and make her uncomfortable. 

Alejandro had a smirk on his face, as he watched what just transpired. Bridgette shot a death glare at him, once she realized his true nature, and he quickly excused himself before his team arrived to pick him up. Somehow, Y/N knew this wasn't over just yet. 

Y/N sighed, then glanced to find their team in the distance, "That was close."

Bridgette looked down sheepishly, blushing. "Y/N, I'm sorry for doubting you. I should have listened to you in the first place."

Y/N smiled, running with Bridgette to find their team, "Don't be sorry, Bridge. You see the good in people before judging them quickly and that's beautiful. But remember to not let them take advantage of you, okay?"

Bridgette nodded, taking your hand as you ran together. "I will remember that, Y/N. I promise."

As predicted, Team Victory was the last to arrive, but since you and Bridgette arrived before them, Y/N knew they and Bridgette were safe from elimination. 

Bridgette gave Y/N a warm hug and whispered, "Thank you, Y/N. I would have been in trouble if it wasn't for you."

At the elimination ceremony, Dj got eliminated instead for crying and accidentally freezing his eyes shut for being cursed back in Egypt and Leshawna was in the bottom two for talking to Lindsay the whole time instead of focusing on the challenge. 

Y/N and Bridgette went to economy in relief, knowing they weren't eliminated tonight. 

"We did a good job out there, even if things didn't go as planned." Y/N reassured Bridgette, smiling warmly. "I'll make sure Alejandro doesn't try to scheme you again. You can count on me."

"I'll do the same for you too, Y/N." Bridgette promised, squeezing their hand. "I'll protect you like how you protect me." Y/N nodded, then spent the next hour with Bridgette, getting to know her more. 

At first during the season, Bridgette felt alone and unsure if she could do this without Geoff, but knowing she had Y/N and their guidance by her side, she felt a lot more confident that she could conquer her worst fears and not let people stand in the way of her goals. 

Y/N wanted Bridgette to realize that she does have it in her all along without needing to rely on them or Geoff, but they knew it would take time before Bridgette can be confident standing on her own. And Y/N would be there to support Bridgette every step of the way until she realizes the strength she has within herself. 

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