Cross your heart, won't tell no other - Duncan x reader

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Requested by: Midnightkillermare
Setting: TDI

Note: Hello! I was not sure if this was what you meant. I hope I got it right :) When this plot was requested, I couldn't help but think of 'Seven'

It has been fourteen years since you've seen Duncan, and you've never forgotten your childhood friend. He moved away and you still carry the picture of you and him when you were kids. Sometimes, you wonder what he's doing now.

Duncan had a big impact on you even when you were only four because you've never had a friend like him. You weren't sure if it was because you were lonely all these years without any real friends or if it was because Duncan was unique. It was a rare experience that not many people feel after meeting someone when they were little.

"And though I can't recall your face, I still got love for you."

You did not know how Duncan looked like now, but you imagined it. He must have dyed his hair green like how he said he would. But time changes for people. He most likely has forgotten about you.

You often found yourself wondering about Duncan's whereabouts, imagining what he might be doing or how he had changed. The thought of reuniting with him again had always flickered in the back of your mind, but life had a way of keeping you occupied and distracted.

You had your own struggles and triumphs, navigating the dramas of school, friendships, and personal growth. Yet, throughout the ups and downs, Duncan's influence remained. His rebellious spirit and genuine care for you had left a mark on your heart.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Your best friend asked, giving you a concerned look, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You jumped a little started, then turned towards them. "Oh, it's nothing. Just reminiscing about old times, you know?"

Your best friend, sensing that there was more to it, gave you a knowing look. "Is it about that childhood friend of yours again? The one you've mentioned before?"

You nodded, grateful for your friend's understanding. "Yeah, Duncan. We were inseparable back then, but life happened, and we got separated. I often wonder what he's up to now."

Your friend leaned closer, intrigued by the story. "Have you ever tried finding him? With social media and all, it might be easier than you think."

You sighed, contemplating the idea. "I've thought about it, but a part of me is afraid that he might have forgotten about me. It's been so long, after all."

"True, people change over time," your friend acknowledged. "But if your connection was as strong as you say, it's possible that he still remembers you too. You never know until you try."

You sighed, deep in thought. "You're right. Maybe it's time I take that leap. I'll search for him and see if we can reconnect."

You open your laptop and start typing Duncan's name into the search bar. As the search results appeared on the screen, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Would you be able to find him? If you did, would he still be the same Duncan you remembered?

You searched up Duncan and to your dismay, you forgot his last name. You put your face in your hands and groaned, "This is hopeless."

Your best friend pulled you into a comforting hug and whispered, "Hey, it's okay. We'll find a way to work things out."


After three long months, you still haven't given up hope of finding Duncan. You asked your mom for any new information she could find, you even searched up different detention centers, schools and hospitals just in case. But unfortunately, nothing came up. You were growing even more frustrated as the days passed and decided to just stop.

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