Meeting his momma - Dj x male!reader

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Requested by: StephanieAjasa
Setting: Adulthood       

After being together with Dj for a year, he decided it was time for you to meet his momma.

When Dj came out as gay a few months ago, he told his mom about you. His mom wanted to meet you, but Dj wanted to wait until you were ready. His mom understood that this would be nerve-wracking for you, so she told Dj to have you take your time.

Dj had told you lots of stories about his mom, and how she had her set of rules that made him the gentleman he is today. It was clear he had a very close bond with his mom, so you knew it was important to him for her to accept you.

You just weren't sure how things would go, because what if you embarrassed Dj and said the wrong thing? What if his mom asked questions about you that would make her disappointed in Dj? You just didn't want to mess anything up. You weren't sure if you were ready to meet his mom, but Dj insisted you had nothing to be worried about.

You sat by the kitchen table, trying to focus on your coffee, while Dj continued to get ready. It has been several minutes, and you still couldn't focus.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Dj asked, walking up to you.

You nodded, but Dj frowned and sensed you were nervous. He hugged you from behind, then rubbed your back.

"She will love you." He assured you. "I love you, so she will too."

"What if I say the wrong thing?" You mumbled, looking down. "What if I make a bad impression and dissappoint her?"

"You'll do fine." Dj assured you, kissing your cheek. "Now, come on. I know she's been looking forward to meeting you."

Throughout the car ride, Dj held your hand and kept assuring you that things would be okay. You tried not to think too much of what could go wrong, and put on a confident face for Dj. You knew this was very important to him, so you tried not to worry.

You both arrived at his mom's house, and Dj knocked on the door. He squeezed your hand in reassurance that everything would be fine.

After a few seconds, his mom answered, and smiled. "Hello! It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N, and good to see you, Dj."

Dj smiled, then nodded towards you. "He's a little nervous about coming over, but I told him he'd be fine."

Dj's mom smiled, and took your hand, "Don't you worry. I may be a little strict on Dj, but I have no problem with meeting those who are important to him. Just as long as they are respectful."

You smiled, "It's really nice to meet you."

Dj and his mom led you to her kitchen, where she prepared a lot of meals to welcome you here. You tried to hold in your excitement, as the delicious aroma filled the air. You could already tell she was a great cook, especially because Dj was too.

You all sat down by the table, then blessed the food before eating.

"So Y/N, Dj told me that you two met when you were at work at the zoo. How do you like your job so far there?" Dj's mom asked, taking a bite out of the mashed potatoes.

You smiled a little at the memory of when you first met Dj. You were a zookeeper, and Dj always offered to help you since you both shared a love for animals. This led to you becoming friends then something more a year ago.

You replied, "I love it. I find it rewarding to take care of the animals, and make it their second home instead of just a zoo. Sometimes, Dj comes during the morning to help feed them."

Dj's mom nodded, and Dj smiled, knowing his mom already liked you.

The three of you continued to converse, and the more you talked, the less you started to feel nervous. Dj's mom seemed to like you, because she kept replying "My boy met the right person," and "I'm so proud of you."

Dj took your hand from under the table, and sent you a gentle smile. Your heart swelled with happiness that you didn't mess this up.

"This cake is really good." You commented, finishing the chocolate cake his mom made.

"I can show you the recipe!" His mom grinned, standing up. "Come on."

You and Dj followed his mom, and helped take out the ingredients as instructed for the chocolate cake.

Dj's mom gave you tips on how to make the perfect chocolate cake, while you and Dj prepared the batter. You all took turns adding the ingredients, then you set it in the oven.

While the cake was baking, you and Dj cleaned up the mess, while his mom set up the TV for you and Dj to relax a little, so the cake would be done for you to take home. As you were cleaning, Dj's mom pulled you aside to talk to you.

"I'm very glad that you're with my son." Dj's mom told you. "I can see that you love and appreciate him. Continue to take care of him, okay?"

You nodded, "Of course. Thank you for having me over too."

You, Dj and his mom watched a movie on the couch to wait for the cake to be done. Dj held your hand, then leaned slightly on you as you all watched the movie.


"See? I told you she would love you!" Dj beamed, getting into the car with you.

You chuckled, putting the cake inside, "I'm glad she does! I was so nervous."

Dj smiled, then began to drive away. "It was nice seeing you two interact when she taught you how to bake her famous chocolate cake! When you weren't looking, she kept smiling at you."

You blushed a little, "Aww, that's so sweet! I had fun too when I was baking the cake. Your mom is an amazing cook."

"Yup." Dj chuckled, then kissed your hand. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too."

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