Misguided - Ezekiel x reader

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Requested by: haahimlost
Setting: TDI

Being in the Screaming Gophers, word got out that Zeke, who was in the killer base, was sexist. Not only was he sexist, he was awkward and lacked basic hygiene. He was homeschooled and most likely did not have friends, except for the animals on his farm and his family.

You were eliminated during the 'Trial by Armed' episode and arrived at Play de Losers. When you got off the boat, you noticed Zeke was trying to make friends, but people kept shunning him. You felt bad for Zeke, and started talking to him. You discovered that Zeke had been through a lot and was looking for friends who would accept him for who he was.

You let out a heavy sigh as you and Ezekiel sat on a beach chair, sipping on your orange juice together. "You're not a bad person, Zeke," you said. "You're just misguided, and I might be able to help."

"You would really do that?" Zeke asked, filled with hope and a little bit of disbelief.

You nodded in reassurance. "Of course. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Besides, I like your dance moves."

Zeke chuckled loudly, then did some quick moves. You giggled and joined in, doing your best to keep up with his fast pace. The two of you danced awkwardly, not really knowing where to put your feet or what to do with your hands, but it was fun. 

"Okay, so besides that, we need to have a serious talk." you said, guiding him to a secluded spot on the beach, away from the prying eyes of the other contestants. 

As the hours crept by, you and Zeke began to work together to help him understand some of the social norms that are important in society. You helped him understand that belittling women wasn't cool and that picking his nose in front of people was gross. 

To make sure that he fully understood the concept and how to effectively use the new skill, you and him practiced conversations together so that he could get used to speaking to others comfortably. He stumbled upon sentences, but he was willing to try. 

"Okay, now what do we say when Lindsay wants to lead a challenge?" you asked, smiling. 

"No problem. I know you can do it. Now, lead the way!" Zeke responded, proudly. 

You smiled widely and fist bumped Ezekiel's hand in triumph as you laughed, then began practicing some more.

After a few more rounds of practicing, you and Zeke relaxed on the beach, soaking up the sun. Zeke was grateful for your compassion and understanding, which was something he had never encountered before. Zeke turned to you, his heart filled with warmth, "Thanks, Y/N. Most people just shrug me off as a lost cause."

You shook your head and gave him a genuine smile. "No one is a lost cause, Ezekiel. We all make mistakes, and it's never too late to learn and grow. If you're willing to change, I believe others will come around too."

"You think there's a chance it will work?" Zeke wanted to have hope, but he wasn't sure what to think.

"I know so. You're a good person, and you're going to be fine." you reassured him. 

You and Zeke sat there, watching the sunset, feeling a sense of contentment that you hadn't felt in a long time. With Ezekiel, you knew you could be yourself and Ezekiel felt the same way, as he was drawn to your kindness and contagious personality. 

"Can I hold your hand?" Ezekiel whispered suddenly, hoping he was not crossing any boundaries. He wanted to keep the lessons you taught him in mind. 

You nodded, then intertwined your hand with his. You and Ezekiel had an unspoken connection that would soon blossom over time into something more profound. 

In the following days, you and Ezekiel spent a lot of time together at Playa de Losers. You talked about your lives, shared stories, and gradually formed a deep bond. You encouraged Ezekiel to continue challenging his old beliefs and broaden his perspective.

Although the other contestants were still skeptical over Zeke, they did recognize that he was trying to become a better person. Chris watched Ezekiel from the distance in disapproval, and you knew just then that you had to protect Zeke from anything Chris was planning. 

But right now, as Zeke continued to show off his dance moves as the contestants clapped and surrounded him, you did not have to worry about anything. You couldn't help but smile and join in with his contagious excitement. Soon, Duncan, Leshawna and Harold joined in the dance, as your laughter echoed throughout the beach. 

Once the dance ended and the crowd had dispersed, you and Ezekiel walked away from the crowd together.

 "That was fun." you said, walking with him along the beach. "

It was, but my favorite part about it was spending time with you." Ezekiel admitted, feeling a flutter across his chest. 

With that, you continued walking along the beach together, hand in hand, reading each other's expressions and sharing more of your hopes and dreams for the future.

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