Secret admirer - Jacques x reader

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Requested by: AnikiSaan
Setting: The ridonculous race

You sat on a patch of grass, watching as Jacques, one of the ice dancers, danced gracefully to a song. You felt a blush creep onto your cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed. You've had a crush on him since you joined the ridonculous race with your best friend as the (team name). However, you never told a soul about your crush on Jacques. It just made you feel embarrassed that you had a crush on someone. 

Jacques stopped dancing, once he noticed you were watching him. He gave you a bright smile and waved at you, causing you to blush and turn away. You walked away, feeling your heart race faster than ever.

As the days went by, you continued to watch Jacques from afar. You couldn't help but be captivated by his undeniable charisma. Every movement seemed to be practiced and calculated, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

You were lost in thought, drawing a picture of Jacques, when his partner Josee snatched the picture from you. 

"Well, well, what do we have here?" she taunted, waving the drawing in front of your face. "Seems like someone has a little crush, huh?"

Your heart raced with panic as your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You reached out to grab the sketch from Josee's hand, but she swiftly pulled it away, keeping it just out of your reach.

"Give it back, Josee," you managed to stammer, your voice trembling with a mix of emotions - fear, anger, and shame. 

Josee continued to tease, her voice dripping with amusement, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I should show this to Jacques. He might find it quite amusing to know that someone has been drawing pictures of him."

You covered your face with your hands, letting out a frustrated groan. "Josee, that's enough. Why do you care anyway? Aren't you supposed to be sabotaging the other teams to get ahead in the game?"

Josee put your drawing of Jacques in her pocket, then walked away, "That's exactly what I'm doing now."

You gulped in fear, wondering what the bitch had in store. As you sat there, you couldn't help but wonder if Jacques had noticed anything or if it was just your imagination playing tricks on you.

A few days have passed since Josee took your drawing, and though you continued to admire Jacques from a distance, you kept your feelings hidden deep within. 

Unbeknownst to you, Jacques admired you too, unsure of how to approach you. 

You were so worried about what Josee planned to do with the drawing that you avoided Jacques altogether. Whenever he approached you, you would walk away with a bright blush on your face or avoid eye contact with him. This made him concerned and he believed you didn't like him. 

Jacques decided to just avoid you too and try to move on. He avoided you as well, focusing on the challenges of the race and stopped trying to approach you altogether. This hurt a lot, and you found it hard to focus on challenges. 

"Hey, you okay?" Your best friend asked, noticing you gaze at Jacques with a look of longing. 

You quickly snapped out of your trance, "Yeah I'm fine. Let's just continue the challenge."

Your best friend didn't buy it. They gently grabbed your hand with a look of worry. "Y/N, you know you can tell me anything right?"

You glanced back at Jacques, who was looking at you from afar. He blushed then quickly looked away, mirroring the same behavior you have shown him. You sighed in regret, unsure how to handle this situation. You missed your small conversations with Jacques, how he always smiled and cheered you on. It was all over. 

Josee watched your interactions too and she smirked knowing that she was indirectly sabotaging not only your chance with Jacques, but your performance in the competition as well. 

"Perfect." She chuckled, evilly clasping her hands together. She had more ideas in mind, but right now she wanted to watch you struggle. 


The tension between you and Jacques started to get known by the other contestants, who couldn't help but comment on how awkward you were around each other. One day, as you and your best friend were focusing on a challenge, that was when Josee decided to strike by taking it to the next level. 

Josee still kept your drawing and decided to showcase it on a projector for everyone to see. Josee laughed evilly then called out, "Hey Y/N, looks like your secret crush isn't so secret after all!"

The contestants gazed at the drawing then back at you in sympathy. They all understood Josee's vile behavior, so this was no surprise. However, this was so overwhelming for you that you ran off, unable to face anyone ever again. 

Jacques looked at the drawing in shock, feeling a blush creep across his cheeks. He always knew you were flustered around him, but when you started avoiding him, he thought you didn't like him anymore. Now, he understood everything. 

He couldn't help but find it endearing how you drew him and how you were so embarrassed that you avoided him. With that, he grabbed the drawing from Josee, but not before shooting her a sharp glare, then chased after you. 

As Jacques hurriedly made his way through the crowd, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't bear the thought of you running away and feeling embarrassed because of Josee's cruel actions. He needed to find you and let you know that everything was alright.

Finally, he spotted you in the distance, your shoulders slumped and tears streaming down your face. Without a second thought, he quickened his pace and reached out, gently grabbing your arm to stop you. You turned around, startled by the touch, and your eyes widened as they met his.

"Y/N, wait," Jacques said, his voice filled with concern. "Please don't run away. I need to talk to you."

You sniffled, wiping away the tears with the back of your hand. "Jacques, I'm sorry. I'm so embarrassed. I didn't mean for this to happen."

He shook his head, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "You don't need to apologize for anything. It was a beautiful drawing, and it made me realize something important. I've always liked you too, Y/N."

Your eyes widened in surprise, the weight of embarrassment momentarily replaced by a flicker of hope. "You... you do?"

Jacques nodded with a bashful smile. "Yes, I do. I've noticed how you get flustered around me, and I thought you stopped liking me when you started avoiding me. But now I understand why, and it's actually quite adorable."

You blushed then covered your face, still deeply embarrassed. Jacques chuckled then removed your hands from your face, gently wiping your tears with his thumb. "You're beautiful, Y/N. Don't hide from me."

You blushed even harder, causing him to smile widely. He couldn't help but find you even more adorable at that moment. He missed your shy smiles and deep blushes, only reserved for him. 

"Let's go back before we get eliminated, you cute sweet girl. We'll get back at Josee later." He promised, taking your hand, leading you back to the race. 

You smiled softly, feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach feeling his hand in yours. You were still embarrassed, but you were relieved your crush felt the same way about you. 

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