Zombie scare- Shawn x reader

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Setting: Pahkitew island. Based on the episode: A blast from the past.                                                                                                                       Requested by: Tamiisnthere. Hope you like it!                                                    -

You jolted awake at a weird sound you heard in the woods.

"What's that sound?" You mumbled, looking around to see Shawn sitting up on his branch. Frowning slightly, you silently climbed towards his branch to check on him.

"Shawn?" You asked.

He turned and smiled awkwardly at you. "What's up, Y/N?"

You shook your head. "Was that you who made that sound?"

Before he could reply, a monster appeared from behind a tree. You and Shawn screamed and fled quickly from the sight.


"What was that?" You asked, shaking in fear.

Shawn panted, trying to catch his breath, "I think it was a zombie."

"A zombie? Oh no!" You cried.

"Hey." Shawn said, putting his arm around you. "I won't let anything happen to you."

You smiled softly. "Thank you.. But what are we going to do about the monster?"

Shawn thought for a moment, then replied, "We need to build a shelter for the apocalypse and disguise ourselves, so they won't find us."

Shawn walked towards the garbage nearby the lake and covered himself in it. "If we smell like a zombie, they won't find us!"

You scrunched your nose in disgust. "I'll get back to you, when I come up with another idea." You walked away, heading back to the tree.


The next morning, you and your team met for a challenge. You frowned in concern, seeing that Shawn was missing.

"I hope the monster didn't get him." You mumbled.

"What was that, Y/N?" Sky asked, smiling at you.

You chuckled. "Nothing. I'm just worried where Shawn might be. Last night, we saw a monster."

Sky laughs, not believing it, "Okay Y/N, I think Shawn's theories got to your head."

You shrug, deciding not to argue. "Maybe."


Chef arrives with Shawn in his truck. You sigh in relief, seeing he was safe, but cringe once you realize he was still covered in garbage. Shawn immediately ran over to you, checking you for bite marks.

"Shawn, get off me!" You exclaimed, plugging your nose and trying to pry him off of you.

"I'm making sure they didn't get you!"

"I'm fine! Just please, take a shower." You huffed.

"Get Shawn in the game or he's gone!" Chris tells the team.

Shawn glances at Jasmine, and Dave whispers something to him.

Shawn, ran over as fast as he could yelling, "Zombie!", knocking her down. Jasmine glared at him and he gave her a guilty look. Jasmine yelled at Shawn, and you silently glare at them both.

Is Shawn into Jasmine?

You felt your heart drop a little at the two of them being together. You didn't think Shawn could go for a girl like you.

Suddenly, the creature you saw the night before jumped out of the ocean, revealing itself to be Amy.

"Amy?!" Sammy gasped in shock.

Amy narrowed her eyes, "..Samey."

You laughed to yourself a bit, because one: You knew Sammy was pretending to be Amy this whole time and two: You and Shawn's imagination got the best of you both again.

You walked over to Shawn, smirking slightly, "I guess there wasn't a zombie."

Shawn laughed, "I still want to be prepared, just in case."

You shook your head and smiled in amusement.

Chris announced that your team won, and you sighed in relief knowing Shawn wasn't getting eliminated tonight.

Shawn grabbed your hand, as you were walking by yourself and you blushed at that gesture, despite him being covered in garbage. You two headed to the forest, and chatted about your life back home, on the way.


Later that night, you spotted Shawn climbing up a tree to check on Jasmine if she was gonna be eliminated or not. You didn't have anything against Jasmine, but you really liked Shawn and you kind of hoped he would talk to you more than her.

Shawn sighed in relief, "She's safe."

You looked down a bit sadly, believing that Shawn had feelings for her. Shawn climbed down from the tree and walked towards you.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You looked kind of down earlier and now."

You forced a smile. "Yeah."

"Y/N, I know you're lying." Shawn frowned. "You can trust me."

You sat down by the tree, and brought your knees to your chest. You didn't want to tell him just yet, because you felt he wouldn't understand. You felt Shawn sit beside you, and stare at you.

"Did you know you're the most beautiful girl here?" He asked.

You looked up at him in shock, "What?"

Shawn nodded and grinned, "You are. I think you're an amazing person too."

"But I thought you liked Jasmine?"

"Jasmine and I are just friends. It's you that I want to be with."

Your smile grew and Shawn chuckled, pulling you to his chest.

"I sound like a dork, but you're also the person I'd want to be with, after the zombies killed off everyone."

"You do sound like a dork.. But you're my dork." You told him.

You and Shawn spent the rest of the night gazing at the stars, talking about what you both would do to survive the zombie apocalypse.

"And Y/N, after the show, I would like to go on our first date.. Something that isn't zombie related."

You chuckled quietly, "I would like that."

Before you slept that night, you thought to yourself that if you were to choose someone to survive the zombie apocalypse with, it would be Shawn.

And you wouldn't regret a thing.

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