You belong here - Poly!Cody x reader x Noah

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Requested by: idkmanamjusthere67
Setting: Adulthood

You glanced up from your phone, watching Cody and Noah laugh together about another inside joke about their time on Total Drama. You sighed, knowing that you couldn't join in, because you would get left out again.

Cody and Noah met and fell in love a year before you came into their lives. When you first met them, they both fell in love with you, and you loved them back, while they still held feelings for each other. It was complicated, but you all made it work through a polyamorous relationship.

As much as you loved being in a relationship with them, you couldn't ignore the feeling that you disrupted their lives, and that they would be better off without you. You knew Cody and Noah didn't mean this, but they had this habit of going on dates without you, and leaving you out of conversations. You were unable to blame them, since they had a connection long before you, but you felt so improper.

"Y/N, what do you think?" Cody asked.

You looked up, startled. "Oh.. Um. Are you talking to me?"

"Of course, who else?" Cody said, giving you a warm smile. Noah sat next to you, trying to read your bewildered expression.

"Um.. I just didn't think you two would talk to me about whatever you're talking about." You chuckled, nervously. "What did you say?"

Noah rubbed your back lightly, then looked at Cody in concern, who was fiddling with his fingers.

Cody sheepishly grinned, glancing back at you, "We were talking about this book we've been reading. We wanted to know what you think of our arguments."

You sighed, trying to push back your irritation. "I wouldn't know since I haven't read that book you two were reading together."

Noah and Cody exchanged concerned glances. Cody spoke up, with a mix of apprehension and sadness, "Y/N, are you okay? You seem upset with us."

"No, I'm fine." You replied, getting up from the couch. As you walked back to the bedroom, you said, "Just have a headache." You closed the door, with your frustration evident. 

Noah and Cody casted worried glances at each other. They figured to give you your own space until the time when you felt ready to talk to them. You wanted to explain that their actions had caused you to feel isolated and excluded in the relationship but you were scared that it might sound like you were demanding something of them. You wished they could see the hurt you were feeling, but it was understandable that they hadn't noticed. You just had to wait until you were ready to face them.

For the rest of the week, since that morning, Cody and Noah noticed you were growing more distant from them. You no longer try to tag along on dates, and you just stay in your room. Because of this sudden change, it gave them time to reflect on what could've caused this problem.

"Noah, I think Y/N feels left out." Cody said, feeling a pang of guilt hit him as he put the pieces together. 

Noah nodded, taking Cody's words in. "I figured. Sometimes, we go on dates without her and don't always include her in our conversations. It's like we don't notice her."

"We need to make it up to her and prove to her that we care." Cody said, his voice filled with determination. "Y/N means the world to us, and we can't let her slip away."

"Exactly." Noah agreed, putting down his book. "I think I have an idea how."


Noah and Cody both put together thoughtful letters to you, where they both expressed their deep appreciation for you, and how your presence has improved their relationship. Cody, being the romantic one, organized a heartfelt dinner under the stars outside your home with your favorite foods he ordered since he can't cook well, while Noah, the responsible one, made sure everything was just right. 

Cody took a deep breath, knocking on the bedroom door, "Y/N? It's us, we need to talk."

You didn't respond at first, but got up, answering the door. "What do you want?"

Cody gestured for you to follow him and Noah, so you walked with them outside the house. Your eyes widened in surprise, taking in the tables they rented, along with your favorite food laid out on the table. There, on the table, sat two letters, both from Cody and Noah. 

"You guys didn't have to do this." You said, sitting down by the table, your heart swelling with affection. 

"We just wanted to show you that you belong here, Y/N." Noah replied, planing a soft kiss on your cheek. "With us, and we wouldn't have it any other way."

"Open the letters!" Cody urged you, sitting across from you and Noah. 

You nodded, then opened Cody's first. You felt unshed tears build onto your eyes, as you read his words that assured you that he loved you, cared for you, and that he promised to do better to make you feel exactly the way he does about you everyday. You smiled widely, taking Cody's hands. 

"Thank you, Cody!"

"Now, read mine." Noah smirked, bringing his letter towards you. 

Noah's letter was more blunt with a few sarcastic marks, but you loved it anyway. Noah's letter contained assurances that you would make life a lot more bearable, and he hates that you make him want to bring his romantic side out when that's Cody's job. You laughed, then squeezed Noah's hand gently. 

"You're amazing, Noah." You giggled, folding both the letters back into the envelope. 

During the dinner, Cody and Noah apologized to you and listened reflectively to your concerns about the relationship without judgment. They made a promise to themselves and to you, to treat you the way you deserved, and find a balance to make sure you knew you were part of the relationship too. 

Cody and Noah loved you, and they knew it was their mission to make you feel loved every day, especially on the days where you forget it. 

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