May I have this dance? - Alejandro x reader

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Requested by: ElsieDobby

AU: High school


Alejandro is a well-known heartthrob at Bodwell High School, and many girls fawn over him daily. His charm is so powerful, that even girls who are in committed relationships are drawn to him, such as Bridgette, who was with Geoff.

Your eyes narrowed, as you watched Alejandro flirt with Bridgette from a few feet away from you. He always did this, and it seemed like he didn't care to stop. You couldn't help but feel insecure that you weren't good enough for him. You saw all the girls he would flirt with, and you compared yourself to them. 

Thoughts of jealousy clouded your mind. You knew Alejandro was a natural charmer, but flirting with a girl who is taken  right in front of you? That was disgusting. Alejandro and Bridgette linked arms together, walking away from you, leaving you feeling hurt and unwanted.

As you stood in the school hallway, feeling utterly heartbroken, you remembered the time Alejandro first approached you, which was a year ago. You were alone at the prom, and Alejandro with his smooth charm, approached you and asked you to dance with him. You remembered how you felt this connection to him that fateful night, and how your relationship blossomed from there. Too bad it was all a game for him, it seems.

You always knew Alejandro was a natural charmer, but you were already getting tired of his mixed signals. Out of heartbreak, you decide that this relationship needs to come to an end.

You just didn't want to get hurt anymore, especially by the man you were in love with.


With a heavy heart, you followed where Alejandro and Bridgette were, which was in front of the school, by the tree and approached them. You felt your heart skip a beat seeing them engage in flirty banter. You weren't sure who to feel more angry at - Alejandro, your so called boyfriend, or Bridgette, your so called friend who was in a relationship with Geoff. In fact, you were more disgusted than angry.

"Alejandro." You called, trying to hold back your anger. He looked up from Bridgette, giving you a warm smile.

"Hello, my dear Y/N." Alejandro said, trying to reach for your hands, but you pulled away.

Taking a deep breath, you told Alejandro, "It's over." Then you walked away, leaving him sitting there with Bridgette in bewilderment mixed with heartbreak.

As you walked away, you could hear Bridgette try to comfort Alejandro, but you remained strong and did not turn back.


After school, Alejandro tried to find you, then to his relief, you hadn't left yet and you were about to walk out the building. He hurried after you, placing his hand onto your shoulder, causing you to turn around.

"What? What part of breaking up don't you understand?" You snapped, giving him a glare.

Alejandro's heart sank, realizing the depth of your heart. He pushed back the lump in his throat and said, "I never meant to hurt you, Y/N. I love you."

You sighed, feeling conflicted. You still loved Alejandro deeply, but it felt like he didn't care about you. "Alejandro.. We can't keep doing this."

"I'll change, Y/N. I won't flirt with another girl ever again." Alejandro promised, getting on his knees, taking your hands in his.

"Alejandro.. You can't just make promises you can't keep. Trust is fragile and something that needs constant fixing once it's broken. I think we need time apart."

"How long?" Alejandro asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

You shifted awkwardly, not expecting the circumstances to turn out this way. You thought to yourself before you replied, "When I'm ready."

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