Strengths - Poly!Mike + personalities x blind!male reader x Scott

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Requested by: marcygreenjjbao

Setting: Adulthood


Scott and Mike have always been incredibly protective of you, given your condition. They've always made sure you were taken care of and looked after, and they've always had your best interests at heart. You recently started dating them a month ago, and they were more than willing to learn more about how to support you.

Mike and Scott were sitting on the couch, watching TV, while you were still asleep in the bedroom. They have been concerned lately that they haven't been doing enough to take care of you, especially because you seemed to be 'taking care of yourself.'

Mike spoke up with a note of concern lacing his voice, "Scott, I've noticed that Y/N never asks for help with his blindness. I want to be there for him, but I don't know how to help."

Scott sighed, scratching the back of his head, "I've noticed that too, Mike. I think it's important for us to understand his condition better, so we can support him in the right way."

Mike nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I think so too."

Mike and Scott began making sure to accomodate you in the best way that they can. Mike made breakfast and chopped the food into bite sized bits for you, and Scott bought some audiobooks for your favorite stories to help you relax and fall asleep.

You yawned and stepped out of the bedroom, "Hey guys."

Scott quickly ran towards you, then carried you to the kitchen. He gently set you down while Mike helped you sit down on the chair.

You chuckled, already knowing it was Scott. "What was that for?"

Scott sheepishly smiled, "Well, I thought maybe a nice meal and some company would cheer you up."

"Thank you."

You tried to reach for a plate but before you could do that, Mike had already set the plate in front of you with food he cut up himself. He held the spoon towards your mouth, "Open up, Y/N."

You smiled then let Mike continue feeding you. You didn't understand why your boyfriends were acting so weird, but you figured it was just them being in a good mood. After all, it wasn't the first time they acted so unpredictable.

You finished your food then got up to put the plate in the sink, but Mike already took the plate from your hands to put it in the sink himself. You shrugged, not wanting to read too much into it. You thanked Mike for the gesture, then went to the couch to watch TV.

"Y/N, do you need anything else?" Mike asked, giving you a small smile.

You shook your head, "No, I'm fine. Thank you though."

Mike and Scott looked at each other and silently agreed to stay by your side in case you needed more help.

For the rest of the day, Mike and Scott continued to act strangely. They would link arms with you, not allowing you to walk by yourself when you all strolled together in the park, they would keep apologizing to you as if they were afraid to offend you, and they would act more protective than usual.

To make matters worse, some of Mike's alters such as Vito, Svetlana and Manitoba were informed to be protectors toward you too. Svetlana would help you with your walking if Scott was too tired, Vito would basically act like your shadow, asking questions about what he could do to help and Manitoba made sure to guide you through your surroundings.

You wish that Mike, Mike's alters and Scott could all tone it down a little.

There was this one 'incident' today where you tripped over a rock while you were walking and they completely overreacted. Manitoba carried you to the nearby bench and Scott kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Manitoba kept apologizing for not seeing the rock in front of you, but you kept assuring him it was okay.

You appreciated that they wanted to take care of you, but you were slightly uncomfortable with the attention. It was just a minor fall. You were more than sure that Scott and Manitoba had tripped over a rock before, so you didn't understand all the drama.

When Manitoba and Scott arrived home, Mike switched out and that was when you decided to address your concerns, since Mike was the host whom you were in a relationship with, along with Scott.

"Guys, what has gotten into you?" You asked, feeling concerned for your partners. "You have been acting weird today, and I want to make sure we are on the same page."

Mike and Scott exchanged apologetic glances. Scott spoke up, "We just want to be there for you. We know it isn't easy living with your condition."

"We're sorry, Y/N. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. We just wanted to make sure you had our support." Mike explained, feeling remorseful.

You smiled, shaking your head, finding their antics endearing even though it was misguided. "I understand. Let me educate you a bit about my condition, okay?"

Mike and Scott nodded, then sat on the floor across the couch from you, listening intently.

"My blindness does not define me and I'm more than my disability. It's a part of my life, but not a tragedy. It is just a way of experiencing the world. It's all about adapting and using my other senses. I rely on assistive technology and my senses. Sometimes, I am familiar with the route such as that park we went to today and I am able to get around based on memory. But what helps me the most is having people treat me as an equal rather than someone who needs constant help."

Mike nodded, taking in the words you said. "I see. We won't overstep your boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable again. We should have asked before coming across as overbearing."

Scott said, "Exactly. We care about you, Y/N. We will do our best to support you in a way that makes you comfortable."

You smiled, gratefully. "Thank you for listening. Here's what you can do: be patient and let me navigate my own way. If I need assistance, I'll ask for it. Treat me as you would anyone else, and include me in your cute dates like you always have."

Scott and Mike brought you into a hug, and you smiled, knowing that they understood you better. They pulled away then Mike suggested, "Want us to take you on a date tomorrow to the botanical garden? It's a good sensory experience. That's if it's alright with you, of course."

You nodded, eagerly. "I'd love that."

The next morning, you, Scott and Mike arrived at the botanical garden where you can experience the lush scents and textures of various plants and flowers. You used your hands to feel the details of the petals and leaves, while they described the vibrant colors and patterns. This allowed you to create vivid mental images of the world around you.

Vito came out during the date and picked a flower, putting it behind your ear. He whispered flirtatiously, "The flower I picked is a white lily and is the most beautiful flower here.. But not as beautiful as you, my dear."

You chuckled, taking Vito's hands in yours. "You're so silly, Vito."

Scott smiled at the sight of you interacting with Vito. He was glad that he, Mike and Mike's alters now understood you better.

From that day forward, Mike, his alters and Scott made a conscious effort to treat you as an equal, embracing your abilities rather than focusing on your disability. They admired your resilience and wisdom, and knew that your relationship would only thrive on a journey of acceptance and understanding.

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