Prioritize you - Topher x reader

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Requested by: Moodylilrat
Setting: After Total Drama, Topher becomes famous. 
"Yeah, I knew Chris before I became famous." Topher laughed, putting his arms around the girls. "He was too old for that show! I would've been the host if he just quit!" The girls laughed, asking more questions, and making flirty comments towards Topher.

You sighed, sitting down at your table trying to eat your ice cream. You tried not to focus too much on Topher's fans' laughter, as they were swooned by his charm right in front of you.

You knew Topher before he joined Total Drama Pahkitew island, since high school. You've been with him for six years now, and were engaged to him for two. Your relationship with him was smooth at the beginning, but since his fame took off, it's been hard to go on dates with him from his busy schedule.

After Total Drama, Topher pursued making his own reality show, like his idol Chris instead of him just trying to take Chris' job. Topher's show was a hit, and he spiraled into big fame. This was very hard on your relationship with him, not only because you never get privacy, but because he seems to prioritize his fame over you and always wants to be better than Chris. His obsession with being better than Chris and his fame is so unhealthy sometimes, that he doesn't seem to hear you when you tell him he needs to focus on himself more. He usually just shrugs you off and does his own thing. It hurts you a lot.

After thirty minutes of Topher signing autographs and chatting with fans, he went back to his seat across from you, smiling widely. "My show has been a massive hit lately. Everyone is going crazy about it!"

You nodded, smiling. "You deserve it! You work so hard, it's not surprising how much people love your show." You tried to push down the feelings of hurt that he did this again; prioritize his fame over you. You didn't want to tell him how you felt, because you didn't see the point.

Two weeks from now was going to be you guys' anniversary of when you first started dating. Topher had not mentioned it, but you hoped he didn't forget. He had been busy lately with his show, meeting up fans for autographs, and attending promotional events.

Topher began to toss his leftover ice cream away, "Do you want to walk around town for a bit?"

"Sure." You replied, getting up from your seat, then threw away your leftover ice cream.

Topher held your hand, as you two walked out of the shop. Topher noticed your sad mood, then frowned in concern, "Are you okay?"

"Yes." You replied, avoiding his gaze, but smiled.

Topher nodded, and smiled widely, oblivious to your uneasy demeanor. "Anyway, I have an interview coming up on this big talk show. It's going to be huge for ratings! I'm going to be broadcasted all over the world, and become even more famous."

Right after he said that, a couple of camera crews showed up, and more of them began surrounding both of you to ask questions, and take pictures. Topher grinned, and started charming the paparazzi about telling stories of his time on Total Drama. You stood there awkwardly, until one of the paparazzi started asking you questions too.

"How is your relationship with Topher behind closed doors?"

"Does he have secrets you want to share?"

"Why did he try to sabotage Chris?"

You looked at Topher awkwardly as he spoke to the crowd. You had hoped he would notice your distress and get you. The paparazzi always made it a point to question you to get juicy information on Topher. You never answered their questions because of how much the media can twist everything, and preferred to keep things private. Topher walked towards you and put his arm around you, leading you away from the crowd. He opened the door to his car, helping you inside.

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