I told you so - Courtney x reader

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Setting: Adulthood

Note: I got this idea while I was rewatching TDA and TDWT, and noticed how Courtney never really apologizes.


You and Courtney have gotten together after her and Duncan ended things when she accepted he wanted Gwen. Your relationship has its ups and downs, like any other relationship. It wasn't new for you and Courtney to bicker from time to time, but it started getting really hurtful when you began to notice she never admits when she's wrong. You always felt you had to apologize, even when she was the one who hurt you.

Last night was the first major fight you and Courtney had in awhile. You were already getting shit from your parents about not getting accepted into the master's program for teaching, and you had a hard time finding a well paying job. Courtney wasn't supportive at all.

Courtney kept pressuring you more to apply for more schools, but you told her that you needed to find a good job first to be able to afford those schools she suggested. There weren't many teaching positions available, and Courtney had a hard time understanding that, since she was a lawyer who got hired easily. She just assumed you were being lazy, which was extremely hurtful, considering you worked hard to get to where you were today.

Because of how bad the verbal fight was between you and Courtney, she packed her bags then left the home you two shared. She had never done that before, so you knew this time, your argument was serious.

"She just never admits she's wrong." You told your best friend, Gwen. "It was our first major fight tonight, and I'm worried she's going to leave for good."

"Y/N, I'm sure Courtney will come around. She's just.. a bit difficult." Gwen assured you.

You sighed, sniffling then wiped more of your tears. "I highly doubt it."


You and Gwen decided to hang out at a cafe the next morning to get your mind off what happened last night. You started to feel lonely, knowing your girlfriend had moved out. Courtney hadn't made it clear whether you two had broken up or not, because she never outright said it. She just moved out.

At the cafe, your heart dropped a little when you saw Courtney there sitting alone at a table.

"Hey Courtney." Gwen greeted her, but Courtney just stood up then walked by the both of you with a glare on her face, exiting the cafe.

You sighed in disappointment and Gwen rubbed your shoulder to comfort you. Gwen noticed you were about to cry, so she quickly stood up then mumbled, "Be right back."

"Courtney!" Gwen called, causing Courtney to turn around, and stop in her tracks.

"What?" Courtney snapped.

"You need to get it together, and talk to Y/N and apologize. She's falling apart, and it's not helping that you're acting like this." Gwen glared at her.

"I don't have anything to apologize about." Courtney said, coldly. "She's the one who needs to apologize."

Courtney continued to ignore you the whole week, and stopped texting you altogether. You decided that it was over, and it was time to move on. That thought alone was heartbreaking.


You heard a knock on your door in the middle of the night. You got up from the couch, and opened it, seeing it was Courtney in tears.

"Courtney? What are you doing here?" You asked, letting her inside. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with me anymore."

Courtney didn't say anything, and just sat down on the couch with her head in her hands. She let out a huge sigh, trying to calm herself down. You rubbed her back, feeling a combination of concern and confusion.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.


"I'm sorry, okay?" Courtney said, louder. "I'm sorry for the way I acted, and I'm sorry for ignoring you the whole week, when you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry for never admitting that I'm wrong."


"I'm sorry for leaving you, when you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm sorry for pressuring you, instead of listening to understand. I should've been more supportive of you, when you needed it." Courtney continued, looking like she was about to cry even more.


"I messed up, Y/N and I'm sorry." Courtney broke down, sobbing into her hands. You quickly pulled her into a hug. You were shocked she even apologized, because she never acted this way in her past relationships.

"Are you going to say 'I told you so'?" Courtney sniffled, looking up at you, feeling more tears run down her cheek.

You shook your head, smiling softly. You wiped her tears with your thumb. "Of course not. I love you, and I believe we could work this out. We just need to take the steps to work together. It should be Y/N and Courtney versus the argument, not Y/N vs Courtney."

"What? Why aren't you mad?" Courtney asked in disbelief. "But I left you and broke your heart."

"You did." You admitted. "I was hurt that you left, and figured you moved on. I tried to, even though it's been a week."

"Do you forgive me?" Courtney asked, avoiding your gaze. "I will try to do better and support you, instead of pressuring you. I don't want us to end up like how Duncan and I did."

"You also need to admit when you're wrong." You told her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "That's your problem, Courtney. As much as I love you, you need to understand that relationships take understanding both sides of the coin, communication, and compromise. You can't always have things your way."

Courtney nodded, trying to take in everything you said. She hated being called out for her behavior, but she knew it was the truth. Courtney always had trouble admitting to her mistakes, and being vulnerable about it. However, she wanted to do better.

"I love you, Y/N." Courtney choked out, feeling herself about to cry again. "I will do better."

You nodded, then brought her into a kiss. Courtney kissed you with relief that you were willing to give her another chance. Afterwards, she held you close to her chest, and played with your hair. She inhaled your scent, smiling to herself. She definitely didn't want to lose this.

Courtney learned from your first fight together to communicate, and admit when she's wrong. The last thing she wanted was to lose you, and she knew that losing you was much worse than losing her pride.

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