My real disney princess - Ella x reader FLUFF

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Requested by: jjustbored11

Setting: Disneyland

It was your first time taking Ella to Disneyland and you knew she'd love it because of her obsession with Disney. Ella was like a real life Disney princess with her beautiful singing and connection to animals. 

You and Ella walked hand in hand towards the entrance then checked in, beginning your journey. You could see the awe in Ella's face, as she admired the buildings along with the rides. 

"Hey, Ella." You began, giving her a warm smile. "You get to experience the magic of Disney in real life!" 

She lit up and gave you a smile filled with excitement. "Yes! It's exciting." She grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the Ferris wheel. "Let's go check out the rides." 

As you and Ella sat on the ferris wheel, the two of you looked out over the city and the park, admiring the lights and the rides. She leaned closer to you, taking your hand. You stared into her eyes as she leaned in, and you couldn't help but kiss her. The two of you sat there for a moment, kissing and enjoying the moment, before you had to pull away.

 "I love you," You said as you looked into her eyes. "I don't want this moment to end." She said nothing, just smiled at you and leaned in for another kiss. 

The two of you sat there for a moment, kissing and enjoying the moment, before you had to pull away. 

"What would make this magical moment absolutely perfect?" Ella asked, her eyes alight with excitement. "What's the one thing I can do to make this the best trip ever?" 

"What?" You asked, grinning. You knew Ella could make just about anything feel magical. 

"Birds!" Ella beamed. She began singing, summoning birds to lift you and Ella out of the ferris wheel. 

"Whoo!" You cheered, laughing as a flock of birds carried you and Ella away. You were high up, and soon, Disneyland started to look like an ant.

"Ella!" You uttered, starting to feel scared. "What if we fall? I'm not exactly light enough for a flock of birds to carry me."

"Relax Y/N." Ella said, soothingly. She took your hand, "Just trust me!" 

The birds continued to sway you and Ella up in the sky, with your laughter filling the air. Soon, it started to feel less nerve wracking. After several more minutes, the birds set you and Ella down on the ground. You felt a bit dizzy from all that flying in the air. You held your head, trying to catch your breath. 

"Need me to summon the birds again to carry you?" Ella asked, giving you a wide smile. 

"No!" You laughed, taking a seat against the bench. "But can we rest for a little bit?"

"Of course!" Ella clasped her hands, sitting beside you. 

After thirty minutes of resting and catching your breath, you and Ella decided it was time to get something to eat. You intertwined your hands with hers as you walked to the stands, feeling an incredible sense of peace and calm wash over you.

"Ella, you're like a real-life disney princess. Being with you feels like a fairytale, except it's better because it's our story. I never imagined I'd have the chance to be with someone as amazing as you."

Ella's face flushed with affection and she leaned in to kiss your forehead, "That's because a princess has to treat her princess very well."

With that, you both leaned into a gentle kiss, surrounded by the joy and enchantment of Disneyland. Ella knew that this day would forever be etched in your hearts.

As the night grew darker, and after experiencing nearly all the rides, your feet began to ache from the long day of walking. Ella noticed your discomfort and led you to a quiet spot near a picturesque fountain.

Ella sat you down on a bench and knelt in front of you. She gently lifted your feet, removing your shoes, and began massaging you with a soothing touch. Your tired expression transformed into one of relief. 

"Thank you." You whispered, giving her a small smile. 

Ella softly sang a sweet melody, and her voice carried through the air, capturing the attention of a flock of birds nearby. The birds fluttered down to surround you and Ella.

To their astonishment, the birds didn't just listen. The birds participated in Ella's song, harmonizing with their beautiful chirps. The air filled with a symphony of music, and a gentle breeze swirled around the couple.

The birds lifted you and Ella off the ground, soaring high into the night sky. It was like a scene straight out of a fairytale, and you loved how Ella can manage to make everything like a fairytale every moment you're with her. 

Your eyes widened in amazement again as you gazed down at the twinkling lights of Disneyland beneath you. Ella held on tightly to you, making sure you both felt safe and secure as you both floated through the air. You and Ella laughed in excitement, not wanting the night to end. 

The birds carried you and Ella towards the parking lot, where your car was. They set you down gently, and they flew off into the night sky. The stars shined down on you and Ella, which made the sight a lot more captivating. 

You looked at Ella, still starstruck about today, speaking in awe. "You truly are magical, Ella. I can't believe what just happened."

Ella smiled warmly. "I would do anything to make you happy and to show you just how much you mean to me."

You embraced Ella tightly, feeling even more connected to her than ever. You then went into the car with her, driving away from Disneyland. 

The whole day was breathtaking, filled with magic and love, and you wouldn't have it any other way. 

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