Life saver - Brody x male!reader

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Requested by: Carlosmartinez#-
Setting: The beach

Brody often spent his days riding the waves and soaking up the sun. One sunny day at the beach, he notices a new lifeguard on duty, who is a young man named Y/N.

You were standing on shore, vigilante for any signs of danger. You were passionate about your job and knew that what you were doing was very important. You made sure to learn everyone's names on the beach, just incase a crisis happens where you might need to call more medical professionals.

Brody was instantly captivated by your confidence, charm, and genuine concern for beach safety and your particular habit of learning people's names. It was a stark contrast to his carefree nature.

"Hey dude! What's up? I'm Brody." Brody asked, approaching you with a wide grin on his face.

You jumped a little, startled. "Um, hi. I'm Y/N, the lifeguard. Anything you need?"

"Not really, bro! I'm just here to chill out and party!" Brody exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "You should join me to catch these waves!"

You shook your head, smiling, "Nah, man. It's cool. I have a job to do."

With that, you gave him a friendly wave then walked away, continuing to observe the beach. Brody sighed then went back to catch the waves.

Brody couldn't help but be intrigued by you. You were so busy focusing on your job that you didn't want to have fun. He understood the seriousness of being a lifeguard, but he wished he could have an opportunity to get to know you better.

He decided to start with small conversations whenever you had a break or when there were hardly any people around. He would strike up a conversation and try to get to know you better, but you would always seem busy and in a hurry.

Brody realized that if he wanted to grab your attention, he would have to do something truly remarkable. Something that would make you see him in a different light. He knew just the way to do it - through his passion for surfing.


The next day, Brody arrived at the beach earlier than usual. The waves were calling him, and he was determined to make a lasting impression. He paddled out into the ocean, feeling the water's cool embrace against his skin.

With each wave he caught, Brody performed tricks, effortlessly gliding across the water with sharp turns, and other daring arcs. Some people started arriving at the beach, looking at Brody in awe. Brody blushed, but his attention was focused soley on you and grabbing your attention. To his satisfaction, it was working.

The waves began to intensify. Brody's desire to impress you pushed him to take on a treacherous wave that towered above the rest. Ignoring all his means of common sense, he paddled towards it.

"Brody!" You yelled out in disbelief, immediately getting into the water. "Get back here!"

Brody laughed and continued surfing. You glared at him then yelled even louder, "I mean it, Brody! It's not safe!"

You tried your best to push down your frustration as Brody continued to not listen. To your horror, the immense power of the wave proved too much to handle. Brody lost his balance, tumbling into the water. He struggled to regain his composure, his arms flailing against the crashing waves.


You swam with an unmatched determination towards Brody, fear gripping your heart but you tried to stay strong. The turbulent waves fought against your progress, but your expertise and determination to save Brody pushed you to move forward.

Finally, you reached Brody, who was on the verge of exhaustion. With a firm grip, you pulled him up, supporting his weight as you swam towards the safety of the shore. Both of you emerged from the water, gasping for breath, adrenaline coursing through your veins.

"What just happened, Brody?" You asked him, frowning in concern. "Why did you do that?"

Brody blushed, avoiding your gaze. "I..I just wanted you to notice me, dude."

You sighed, running your hands through your hair. "Couldn't you have done it another way?"

Brody looked down in shame. You sighed once more then shook your head.

You asked Brody, your voice filled with both concern and annoyance, "Are you okay, Brody?"

Brody nodded, still trying to catch his breath. "Thanks to you, I am. That was incredible, Y/N. You're truly amazing at what you do."

"It's my duty as a lifeguard, but I appreciate your kind words."

Brody confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've watched you tirelessly look out for others, always focused and dedicated. I've fallen for you, deeply."

Your eyes widened in surpise and uncertainty. "Brody, I... I didn't realize... I mean, I've been so focused on my work."

Brody reached out, taking your hands in his. "It's okay, Y/N. I understand. Even if you don't feel the same way, I'd like to be friends and support you in your work and be a part of your life."

You smiled, feeling a blush creep across your face. "Let's start as friends then see where this takes us."

Brody's face lit up with a huge smile, relief flooding through him. "That's all I ask, Y/N. Let's take it one wave at a time. On your first day off, want to get some ice cream?"

You chuckled, "Count me in!"

Little did you know, you and Brody were about to create a beautiful love story that was as deep and powerful as the ocean itself.

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