Through your imperfections - Noah x insecure!reader LEMON

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Requested by: YofriendJess01

Setting: Adulthood 

You had always been anxious and cared about what others thought of you. Because of this, you were insecure about every aspect of yourself, and struggled to have good self esteem. It was hard to not need reassurance that you were enough, but it was challenging to believe it. 

You wondered why your boyfriend Noah even wanted to be with you. You were anxious, lacked confidence and you believed he deserved much better. When he asked you out a year ago, after meeting you on Total Drama, you were shocked because he didn't seem like the type of guy who would be interested in you. Noah had an idea about your insecurities, and did his best to reassure you when he could. However, lately you've been keeping it in. 

Your thoughts were louder than usual today, and you just wanted to be alone. You kept telling yourself that you were unattractive, not good enough, and that everyone hated you. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't push those thoughts away, especially because you kept it to yourself. 

You shut off your phone, and sat on your bed with your head in your hands, letting out soft sobs. It was the first time you had cried in awhile, so admittedly, this felt a little relieving. 

"Y/N." Noah called, opening the front door. "I'm home."

You sniffled, then quickly laid down and pulled your blankets over you. You didn't want Noah to see that you were crying. You tried to act like you were just sleeping.

Noah opened the bedroom door, then looked at the blankets that covered you. He rolled his eyes, "Y/N, I know you're not sleeping. You do this all the time when you're upset." 

You were annoyed that Noah knew your habits by now, but you didn't budge and kept trying to convince him you were asleep by staying covered. 

Noah sighed, then sat beside you. He frowned in concern, then asked, gently.  "What's wrong? You can tell me anything, Y/N. I'm here for you." 

You sat up, then Noah's heart sank at your distressed expression. He pulled you into a hug, while you let out more tears. 

"Talk to me.." He mumbled, brushing your tears away with his thumb. "I think it will help if you get what's bothering you off your chest." 

You hesitated for a moment, then decided to finally tell him how you'd been feeling. You found your words, "I just.. I've been having doubts and fears lately. I've been really scared to tell you, and I'm scared you'll think I'm being overly paranoid."

Noah tilted your chin slightly and gave you a gentle smile. "I want to know your doubts and fears. Maybe I could understand more if you tell me what you mean."

You looked down, avoiding his gaze. "Sometimes.. Sometimes I think you deserve better. You deserve someone who is more confident and isn't always second-guessing herself and afraid all the time. Someone who is prettier, smarter, and more liked." 

Noah frowned, wishing he could've seen your feelings earlier and prevented you from feeling like this. After a few moments of silence, Noah spoke up, "Y/N, I want you to know something.. I love you. I love every aspect of you, and your insecurities don't change that. That's why I wanted to be with you in the first place. You're beautiful, Y/N." 

You smiled a little, wiping your tears. You tried to believe those words, but you still felt some doubts. "I just can't help how I feel sometimes, but I'm trying my best. What if one day you meet someone prettier and more confident?"

Noah pulled you into a hug, then rubbed your back. "I can assure you that I love you, Y/N. I want to be with you, not anyone else. Like anyone else could possibly be better than you. I mean.. Look at you." 

You blushed a little, then Noah smirked and pulled you into a kiss. You kissed back, then lightly pinned him down on the bed. Noah gripped your waist, pulling you on top of him. You grabbed his face, kissing him deeper, as he ran his hands through your hair. 

Noah's hands trailed to your butt, then he smirked and squeezed it a little. You blushed then playfully swatted his hand. Noah chuckled, then sat up, holding you close to him. He kissed your nose, then smiled. 

"Do you need anything else for me to show you that I only want you?" He whispered, with a hint of mischief. 

You smirked, getting the hint. "Maybe.. A little fun." 

Noah smiled slyly, then began to trail his hands towards your shorts, sliding them down. You lay back against the bed, helping Noah slide down your underwear.

You backed further against the bed, spreading your legs. Noah gripped your shoulders, then kissed you up and down your body. He then teasingly ran his fingers slowly towards your vagina, sliding his fingers inside, pressing in and out. 

You closed your eyes, moaning out Noah's name in pleasure, as he continued to go faster and faster. He glanced up at your expression, feeling even more turned on by your pleasure. Adding onto that, he really did find you gorgeous, through your ups and downs. 

"Y/N." He whispered, stopping his movement next. 

"Yeah?" You whispered back. 

Noah blushed a little. "You're beautiful." 

You chuckled, "I love you."

"I love you too." 

After today, Noah made it a point to reassure you with his words whenever you had your doubts and insecurities. He loved you through all your flaws, insecurities and anxiety, and wanted nothing more than for you to know that. 

Noah laid beside you on your bed, then planted a kiss on your cheek. He smiled, knowing he had a girl who meant the world to him. 

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