Work of art - Lorenzo x artsy!grunge! reader

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Requested by: F1SH_ST1CKZ
Requests remaining: 10. Requests are closed until I get the remaining done! There is no wait list while requests are closed, so it can be fair to  everyone who requested while requests were open. That way no one can wait too long for their story.

"This looks like you." Lorenzo laughed, holding up a clay turd towards his step brother, Chet.

Chet laughed, forming a bigger turd with the clay, then smashed it on Lorenzo's forehead. "You're the turd, you turd!"

The art teacher, Mr. Ziegler, sighed, rolling his eyes at the two step brothers. He secretly wondered why the administration would put these two fools together in his class.

Lorenzo and Chet were the class clowns, and thought they were the best at everything, when really they were just average. Some people at school found them amusing and funny, but others thought they were too loud. It was the same routine with them everyday; Making jokes out of everything, causing chaos with their weird antics, and acting high and mighty.

Suddenly, a girl walked into the class, dressed in a grunge style. The class eyes her outfit, with some people whispering how stylish it is. The girl walks up to the teacher, handing him a paper that explains she's new.

"Class, meet Y/N. She's new and just moved here from H/T." Mr. Ziegler introduces you in front of the class. You shrugged, smiling slightly.

"Y/N, our class is having an art competition for a mid semester project. We are using class time to work on our entries. Feel free to draw anything you'd like, as long as it's appropriate." Mr. Ziegler informed you, after you took your seat.

"Cool." You smiled. You opened your bag, taking out different art supplies. Some of your classmates glanced at you curiously, wondering why you have so many different brushes and paints.

It was obvious because you had such a deep passion for art. You saw art as a way to express yourself, and it was also a good way to pass time when you're bored.

Lorenzo curiously watched as you drew different shapes and colors that meant to represent many emotions of music. Chet noticed this, and sent his step brother a smirk. He whispered, "You like her don't you?"

Lorenzo shook his head, denying it. He forced himself to look away from what you were creating then continued to make humorous drawings of robots taking over the world.


As the weeks went by, Lorenzo watched you create more and more. You would often hang out in the art room during lunch painting more works of art, and Lorenzo would take a peek at you from the window when you didn't notice.

One day, when Lorenzo and Chet were walking to lunch, Lorenzo spotted you again. As usual, he would try to watch you as much as possible through the window before quickly leaving. Chet noticed this again and spoke up, "Dude, just ask her out already! Or at least talk to her."

Lorenzo glanced at you again, before sighing, "I don't know. I-''

Before Lorenzo could say no, Chet dragged him into the art room to talk to you. "Hi Y/N." Chet grinned, dragging Lorenzo behind him. Lorenzo looked at you nervously, while you stood there confused.

"Hi." You waved, then went back to painting. You recognized Chet and Lorenzo as the class morons, even though at times they were funny. You figured they were just there to paint spaceships or something.

"Lorenzo here wants to talk to you." Chet smirked, pushing Lorenzo towards you. "See you later!" Chet walked out of the art room, leaving you and Lorenzo alone.

"So.." Lorenzo began, looking at your painting awkwardly. "Do you know how to draw aliens?"

You laughed, continuing your painting, "Sure. I like to draw all sorts of things. Aliens sound pretty cool."

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