Face your fears - Duncan x shy!reader

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Requested by: YoFriendJess01

AU: High school


You have always been very reserved. You kept to yourself, only had a small group of friends, and were often afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You were quite the contrast to your boyfriend Duncan, who was a mischievous troublemaker.

You and Duncan were unlikely pairs who met last year during English class. He became very protective of you the moment he met you because he noticed your shyness. He'd stand up for you whenever he saw your kindness was getting taken for granted, and he would make sure you were included and respected.

Singing and song writing were one of your many talents, but your shyness often prevented you from showcasing it. The only people who knew of your gift was your best friend Leshawna, and Duncan. Duncan always tried to encourage you to perform and sing, but you were too shy to do it. Today, you were in your bedroom coming up with your next song for an album you were working on. You so dearly wanted everyone to hear this, and Duncan knew this. However, as always, your shyness held you back.

"Hey beautiful." Duncan said, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He kissed the top of your head, then leaned his head on top of your shoulder. "Another song?"

"Yeah." You chuckled, sheepishly setting aside your guitar. "I'm going to add this to that album I told you about."

"You know, babe, since you like singing and writing songs, I think you should share it with the world." Duncan advised, sitting next to you on your bed. "You're incredibly talented."

"I know." You replied, feeling a mixture of excitement and disappointment. "I'm just.. I'm scared."

"You're only scared because your shyness keeps holding you back." Duncan explained, taking your hand in his.

"You know, Duncan.. You're right. I keep letting it hold me back, and I don't know how to break out of it."

Duncan grinned, conjuring up an idea. "Well, gorgeous. Good thing you have such a reckless boyfriend who is willing to do whatever it takes to help you. How about I take you on a few crazy dates to help you step out of your comfort zone? I promise it would be fun."

"Count me in." You agreed, giving your boyfriend a big smile. "I can't wait to see what you have in store."

Duncan smirked, planting a kiss on your lips. "Trust me, babe. I still love your shyness. It's adorable, and I love everything about it. You just need to step out of your comfort zone from time to time."

"I know, Duncan." You giggled, touching his cheek. You appreciated how he always assured you, just in case you had doubts about yourself.


Duncan had planned a series of fun and adventurous dates. His excitement was growing because he couldn't wait to experience these things with you. Usually, your dates with him were only centered around your comfort zone with a hint of his antics, but you never really liked his chaotic-based adventures.

Duncan held your hand, the next morning, as he walked into an abandoned mansion that was said to be haunted. You felt chills down your spine, feeling the eeriness of the building.

You wanted to back away, but decided to face your fears as you and Duncan continued to explore the mansion. Duncan glanced at you, sending your uneaseout, then reached his hand towards you. You gripped his hand gently, reminding yourself that Duncan is here to protect you if anything happens.

As you and Duncan explored the mansion, you were intrigued by the old photographs left behind. You found a book covered in cobwebs, then realized it was someone's high school yearbook.

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