Breath of fresh air - Kitty x reader

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Requested by: Lovingmiaaa
Setting: Adulthood

You were absolutely bored with your life. It was the same thing every day – go to work at a photo shoot company, process documents, go to lunch then go home. It was a routine that you wanted to get out of and be passionate about something. You were looking for something to get passionate about, but you didn't know where to start.

You were into photography and it was a passion you've had since you were a child. But ever since you've gotten this job, you've lost passion for it because of how boring the job was. There was no variety or creativity, just simple photo taking and processing.

A new face walked into the room and she seemed to have a cheerful demeanor compared to anyone else here. She grinned widely and exclaimed, "Hi, my name is Kitty. It's my first day here."

Kitty spoke to some of your coworkers, who gave her an introduction to the company. Her attention then fixed on you, and she began to pester you with questions.

"How do you like working here?" Kitty asked, her eyes sparkling with joy.

You cracked a small smile, "Honestly, it's boring. I don't know why you would want to work here."

Kitty giggled, then sat next to you on the lounge table. "Well, this is actually a temporary gig. I plan to be a professional photographer and start my own company."

Your eyes widened in surprise and admiration. "That's amazing! So, when did you get into photography?"

Kitty explained that her passion first began as a child when she first started taking selfies, but then that led her to want to capture every moment. She told you stories about her time during the Ridonculous race with her sister Emma and how she traveled to various places. You were captivated by her energy.

During the rest of your lunch hour, you began to grow less bored and appreciated Kitty's outlook on life. She was just a happy and kindhearted person who knew not to take everything so seriously, which was a stark contrast to everyone here. It was like a breath of fresh air.

"I wish I could be as carefree as you." You admitted, as you and Kitty walked outside of the agency at the end of the day. "Sometimes I feel as if I lost my passion for everything."

Kitty gave you an encouraging smile. "It's not too late, Y/N. You know, being carefree doesn't mean you have to quit your job and travel the world like I did. It's about finding joy and creativity in the little things, even in the routine."

You took in her words, with a thoughtful expression. "Hey, Kitty, what if we collaborate on a photography project together? We could bring some of that fun and creativity into the studio."

Kitty beamed at the suggestion, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "That sounds amazing! I'm all in! Let's turn this place into a hub of artistic expression."


You and Kitty found yourselves spending more time together during the next three months, not just about sharing ideas about work, but also embracing new adventures together. You would go for a walk around the city together, discover new places you haven't seen before and capture moments through your camera lenses. Each photo became a visual representation of your growing bond and shared experiences.

One sunny afternoon, as you wandered through a vibrant neighborhood filled with colorful street art, Kitty's eyes lit up with inspiration. She pointed at a mural showing a kaleidoscope of butterflies.

"Y/N, look at that! It's so lively and magical. Let's create a photo series inspired by this artwork," Kitty exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

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