More than a pretty face - Justin x Chris's niece!reader

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Requested by: Teaganlombax
Setting: Total Drama Island, Episode: Not quite famous


Because your parents were having a business trip to London for the summer, you had to spend time with your uncle, Chris McClean, while he was hosting his reality show called 'Total Drama.' You were excited to be there for the summer, because you liked to try new things. Chris encouraged you to join in, and you were placed in the screaming gophers.

There was one particular teammate you admired a lot. His name is Justin. You wanted to get to know him even more than what he shows on the surface. You felt there was more to him than a pretty face.

There was a big fire in the campground, then Justin came to the rescue putting it out. He then took his shirt off, causing all your team mates to admire his beauty.

"We can all agree that Justin is in. Any objections?" Heather asked. Everyone agreed Justin would be in the talent show for the challenge.

Heather walked towards you then said, "Y/N will be in too, since she is related to Chris. We might have a better chance at winning."

"But Heather, I don't think me being related to him guarantees that." You told her.

"Come on, Y/N. I'm sure you'll do great!" Owen encouraged you.

The rest of the team cheered on your behalf, and Justin winked at you. You blushed, "I guess that's okay."

When it was time for the talent show, it was Justin's turn to go up. Justin laid back, pouring water on himself. You felt your heart swell at how majestic he looked.

"Is he even human?" You thought. Justin sat next to you afterwards. You decided to strike up a conversation, especially since you'd never heard him speak.

"You did great." You smiled, "So.. Uhm.. How do you like being on the show so far?"

Justin chuckled, "It's pretty crazy. All these challenges, how does your uncle even come up with them?"

"He's just weird." You laughed, causing Justin to smile. He looks just like a superstar.

"Are you excited to go up?" Justin asked.

"I'm kind of nervous." You admitted.

"You'll be okay!" He assured you. "I'm sure you have so much more than a pretty face."

You felt yourself blush because that was exactly what you thought of him.

Suddenly, Bridgette started throwing up everywhere, interrupting the moment. You and Justin ran to the side, avoiding being hit by the vomit.

"Nasty." Justin chuckled.

"I don't know, I feel bad for her." You shrugged. "She did get caught throwing up everywhere on national TV."


"Okay, we are going to take a break and clean up." Chris said, frowning at the camera.

During the hour of cleaning up, you and Justin were talking about the most random things while getting to know each other more. You felt your feelings start growing more intense, and you wondered if he felt the same way. He was beautiful, and he could have anyone he wanted. You doubted that he would choose you.

"Y/N, you're up!" Your uncle told you.

Your teammates cheered, and Justin waved at you smiling. You got onto the stage, then grabbed your guitar.

"I know that Trent sang already, but I also had a song in mind for someone.. Special. Someone who I think is much more than a pretty face." You said onto the mic, feeling your face heat up.

You began playing a song about how you had feelings for a superstar, while you were invisible, and how you wondered if things would ever work out. Afterwards, everyone cheered, and Justin had a big smile on his face.

"That's my niece!" Chris laughed, "Chef thinks you did awesome too, you earned your team seven points!"

"You looked cute up there." Justin told you, as you sat next to him.

"Thank you.." You smiled.

"Wanna take a walk until everyone's finished?" He asked.

You nodded, getting up to follow him.

You and Justin walked around the island, getting lost in conversation. You learned he uses the attention he gets for his beauty to his advantage, but wants to be known for more than that. It is a part of the reason he is on the show. You also learned that deep down, he wants a meaningful connection and not just on a surface level. Justin also got to know your biggest fears, your hopes, and how you view life. He had a feeling that you were different.

"So.. Was that song really about me?" He asked, looking towards the water. The moon lit the water, making it a relaxing sight.

You smiled and looked down, "Maybe.."

Justin pecked your cheek, then grabbed your hand, walking with you along the shore. You did not want this moment to end. You looked up at the stars, noticing how they shined like spotlights on just the two of you.

"The killer bass wins!" You heard Chris announce on the speaker. "Screaming gophers lose!"

You groaned, feeling your anxiety kick in. One of you had to leave tonight.

"Don't worry." Justin told you. "I'm not going anywhere."


At the camp ceremony, to your dismay you found out that Heather convinced your team to vote off Justin. You didn't understand why, because she was the one who read Gwen's diary to the whole world. You didn't get why they still wanted her on the team.

"I'm going to miss you." You felt yourself tear up.

"I will miss you too." Justin whispered. "How about after the show, we go on a proper date?"

You nodded, smiling and wiping your tears. Justin gave you one last hug, before he departed. Afterwards, you walked back to the cabin thinking of ways to get revenge on Heather.


Thankfully since Chris was your uncle, he allowed you to visit Justin at Playa de Losers when you all weren't filming a challenge. You jumped off the boat in excitement, searching for Justin.

"Hi Noah!" You greeted him, walking past him. "Where's Justin?"

"He's getting a tan." Noah informed you. "Have fun."

You found Justin tanning by the swimming pool. You cleared your throat, then he sat up, slightly startled.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, bringing you into a hug.

"I'm allowed to visit you this week, before I have to go back." You smiled, hugging him tightly. "How's everything?"

"Better than at the cabins." He laughed, "This place is awesome! Let's swim in the pool."

You and Justin spent the next hour splashing each other in the pool, and surprising each other with kisses. It was the most fun you've had all summer.

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