You should've known - Heather x kind!oblivious!reader ANGST

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Requested by: EternalWifey
Setting: Takes place after TD

Side note - I love Heather, so it was hard writing her as an asshole, even though she is one lol. I loved her character development in TDWT though.


Heather watched you from afar at the restaurant, seeing you laugh and putting your arm around your girlfriend, Sammy. You pulled Sammy into a kiss, causing Heather to look away way too quickly. You tucked Sammy's hair behind her ear, then began to pinch her cheeks, causing her to blush. You and Sammy engaged in flirty banter, causing Heather to clench her fists in jealousy.

She tried her best to not watch you guys, but it was hard. The way you laughed, the way you smiled, reminded her of how you used to look at her that way. It reminded her of how she used to be your everything, and how you took care of her when everyone else gave up on her. She felt a sense of longing, something she never thought she'd ever feel.

Heather looked down in shame, remembering all the events that happened last year, which led to her losing you forever, and moving on without a trace of her in your mind anymore.

One year ago

After Total Drama, things for Heather were a total mess. Many people hated her and didn't trust her enough to let her in award shows, and the movies she did star in, the directors and other cast members would bad mouth her.

Heather could never catch a break, but she had you. You were kind, a little oblivious, and you saw the best in others, even when they would take advantage of you. That was one of the things your best friends Leshawna and Gwen tried to help you improve about yourself, especially when it came to Heather.

You met Heather during Total Drama World Tour, and bonded once her and Alejandro broke up. You saw the light in her, when others didn't no matter how badly she treated you, and no matter how many people warned you that she was no good. You truly believed that Heather loved and cared about you.

You woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of Heather yelling at the TV. You got up from the bed you and Heather shared, then walked out of the bedroom. You frowned, once you saw the news was mocking Heather yet again.

"That's not even true! How can they say that?" Heather cried, throwing a bottle of alcohol at the TV.

You winced a little then approached her. "Heather, do you want to go outside and talk about this?"

Heather glared at you. "The media keeps saying I slept with Alejandro when I didn't!"

You felt your heart drop a little, "Those rumors are true.. Isn't it?"

Heather scoffed, "Of course not!"

"I..I watched the video of you leaving his apartment." You admitted, looking down.

Heather froze in shock that you saw that. "Well, I.. I."

Heather sat you down on the couch then began explaining how much she loved you, and how she and Alejandro didn't do anything. To her surprise, you forgave her and believed her. You truly believed that Heather would never do anything to hurt you, and that what people had to say about her wasn't true.

Heather sniffed, wiping her tears. "I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled, your doubts for her disappearing.


"Did you see the video last night?" Gwen asked you.

You, Gwen and Leshawna met up for tea and cookies at the city's cafe like you always did together on Fridays. It was one of the few times you were able to get away from all that drama with Heather, and relax a little. You loved Heather, but sometimes you needed time to breathe in between all her struggles.

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