Captain obvious - Bowie x Raj

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Requested by: JohnathenYoungs

AU: High school 

The first ship that was ever requested for this book! And it's from the revival! :) 

Bowie and Raj shared an undeniable connection, and it was evident to everyone they knew. They clicked the moment they met, and many people, especially their friends, wondered why they weren't together. Bowie has always been the more obvious one about his feelings, while Raj was more shy yet playful. Bowie often misinterpreted Raj's awkward humor as just being shy, while Raj assumed Bowie was just being overly friendly. It was irritating to everyone in their friend group. 

 "Just look at them! It's so obvious they like each other." Julia groaned, then took a candid picture of them. "Why can't they just confess already?"

"Ugh, it's so frustrating! I wish they could just admit it already..." Priya sighed, stirring her soup. Wayne and Zee nodded in agreement. 

 "How about... We intervene." Julia said, giving her friends a knowing look.

"What do you mean?" Millie asked, watching Bowie and Raj converse. 

Julie gave Millie and Priya a sly smirk, thinking up an idea, "We need to devise a plan to get Bowie and Raj to confess to each other. Let's make a group chat. They're looking at us."

The group nodded in agreement, then Bowie and Raj sat across from each other, with Raj having a light blush across his cheeks. Wayne noticed this, and gave Raj a reassuring smile. Wayne decided to approach Raj and press more about this, when Bowie wasn't around. 

"When are you going to ask him out?" Wayne asked Raj, walking with him to class. 

Raj was taken by surprise, and gave him a look of confusion. "You mean Bowie?"

"Who else?" Wayne smirked. "Look, you two have undeniable chemistry and everyone can see it. It's obvious you two like each other."

"But what if things don't work out and I lose him?" Raj said, looking solemn. "Bowie means the world to me, and I'm scared that if we do get together, and it doesn't work out, things wouldn't be the same."

"I understand, bro. Just follow your heart and remember, if it's meant to be, it will."

Raj nodded, grateful for his best bud's understanding. He knew that there was chemistry between him and Bowie, but he wanted to take his time. He was still nervous and had his own anxieties to work on. 

Meanwhile, Julia, as promised, organized a group chat with Priya, Millie, and Zee to devise plans to get Bowie and Raj to confess to each other. The friends discussed plans for a candelight dinner and lied to Raj and Bowie that one of the other was going to ask them out. They believed it would be cute and helpful. 

Before they followed through with that plan, Julia suggested that they all meet with Bowie and Raj individually to prepare them and give them a pep talk for the dinner and to make sure that everything went well. The friends informed Bowie individually that Raj had feelings for him, then informed Raj that Bowie did too. 

Bowie and Raj were surprised but at the same time they were not. The way they acted with each other was obvious, but hearing it from other people felt different. The only thing is, they needed to hear it from each other. 

"Bowie, Raj needs someone soft and understanding." Julie told him, giving him a serious look. "Your antics will catch him off guard."

"Really?" Bowie asked, surprised. He thought Raj enjoyed his playful nature. 

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