Your worth is not defined by your appearance - Alejandro x plus sized!reader

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Requested by: Kidcorelover
Setting: Adulthood

It wasn't new for you to get negative comments about your size. It was a constant struggle with self-hate, doubt, and uncertainty every day.  Alejandro always made it a point to assure you that you were beautiful, but you had a hard time believing him. You were always afraid that someone would see you or that you would hear something negative about your size and your appearance.

Because of this inner turmoil, you have become more defensive, putting up walls he had never seen before. You distanced yourself from your friends and seemed lost in your thoughts. Alejandro's heart ached to see you this way, and he couldn't stand idly by while you suffered.

Alejandro couldn't bear to see you suffer in silence any longer. He knew that mere words of reassurance weren't enough to break through the walls you had built around yourself. He wanted to find a way to show you, in actions rather than words, just how much you meant to him and that your worth extended far beyond your size.

Alejandro came up with a plan. He decided to organize a surprise date, tailored specifically to celebrate your unique qualities and make you feel cherished. He wanted to remind you that you were more than your size, that your personality, intelligence, and all the things he loved about you were what truly mattered.

One afternoon, Alejandro whisked you away to a secluded picnic spot by a lake. The setting was serene, with a gentle breeze rustling through the trees and the soft sound of water lapping against the shore. A blanket was spread out on the grass, adorned with colorful flowers and your favorite foods.

As you arrived, your eyes widened in surprise. "Alejandro, what's all this?" you asked, a mix of curiosity and skepticism in your voice.

He smiled warmly, taking your hand in his. "Y/N, today is all about you," he said earnestly. "I wanted to create a special moment where you can forget about the negativity and simply be yourself."

You smiled, settling down on a blanket and Alejandro began to unpack all your favorite foods. The sight of the food made you uneasy and your thoughts traveled back to your size. 

Alejandro noticed you were tense, so he quickly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. "Y/N, my love, I want you to know that you are perfect just the way you are."

Alejandro continued, speaking from the depths of his heart. "I see beyond the surface, my dear. Your size does not define you. It's your kindness, your intelligence, and the way you light up a room with your smile that truly make you special. You are so much more than what others say or think."

You took a deep breath, touch by his words. "I'll try to remember that."

After a few more minutes of you and Alejandro holding each other close, you both indulged in the foods he brought.  Alejandro engaged you in heartfelt conversations, steering clear of any discussions about appearances or weight. Instead, he focused on topics that highlighted your passions, dreams, and achievements. He listened attentively, hanging onto your every word, making you feel seen and understood. He wanted to emphasize that you are a lot more than your size. 

Alejandro also surprised you with a small gift. It was a beautifully crafted journal. He explained, "Y/N, this journal symbolizes the beginning of a new chapter. It's a place where you can write down your dreams, your accomplishments, and all the reasons why you are incredible, inside and out. I hope it serves as a reminder of your worth and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead."

You held the journal close and felt a sense of relief. In that moment, you  realized how lucky you were to have someone who saw beyond societal expectations and loved you for who you truly were. Alejandro never failed to make you feel special. 

As you and Alejandro watched the sunset by the lake, Alejandro took your hand and spoke softly, "Y/N, never forget that you are so much more than your size. You are intelligent, compassionate, and beautiful in every way. The negativity others throw at you says more about them than it does about you. I'll always be here to remind you of your worth, and I hope today showed you just how much you mean to me."

You leaned in and brought Alejandro into a kiss. You felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders. You knew that you were not alone during your journey of self-acceptance and that you could overcome any obstacle. 

In the following weeks, Alejandro made it his mission to continue helping you regain your confidence and helping you overcome the insecurities that had plagued you for far too long. He understood that building self-esteem was a gradual process, requiring patience, understanding, and support.

Alejandro encouraged you to try new things, whether it was painting, dancing, or learning a musical instrument. He applauded your efforts and reminded you that growth and progress were more important than any external judgment.

During this time, you also surrounded yourself with a supportive group of friends who uplifted and embraced you for who you were. Alejandro introduced you to his own circle of friends, a diverse group of people who celebrated body positivity and self-love. Their stories of resilience and triumph inspired you, showing you that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

Today, you and Alejandro were at the mall and he noticed you looking at a dress you liked on a window display. You felt a blush creep across your face, unsure if you could pull it off. Usually, you were too self conscious to wear dresses. 

Alejandro sent you a knowing wink, then took your hand leading you into the store. 

"Y/N, go for it. I know you will look beautiful." Alejandro said, encouraging you to try on the dress. 

"But.. But what if-"

"Remember what we talked about?" Alejandro reminded you, giving you an encouraging smile. 

You nodded then shyly took the dress from the rack, feeling a mix of emotions. You were excited but at the same time you were nervous. As you went inside the changing room, Alejandro waited by the door on a chair. You tried on the dress and you gasped in shock. It was beyond your comfort zone, but you loved it. 

You walked outside the changing room in the dress and twirled around, causing Alejandro to grin at you. He embraced you tightly then kissed your cheek. 

"Let's go buy you this dress."


As you began to see yourself through a new lens, Alejandro made it a point to shower you with genuine compliments, emphasizing your inner beauty, intelligence, and lovely personality. He praised your unique qualities, highlighting the way your kindness touched others, and your cute quirks. 

Soon, you started to ignore the negative comments and focus on the supportive people around you. You started practicing positive self talk a lot more. 

One evening, as you sat together under a starlit sky, Alejandro took your hand and spoke softly, "Y/N, I am so proud of the progress you've made. You've shown incredible strength and resilience in your journey of self-acceptance. But remember, confidence isn't a destination; it's a lifelong pursuit. I promise to be by your side every step of the way, cheering you on and reminding you of your worth."

You smiled, feeling a newfound sense of empowerment and self-assurance. "Thank you, Alejandro. I couldn't have come this far without your support and never giving up on me. You helped me learn that my worth is not defined by my appearance."

"Never forget that, Y/N. I will always be here to remind you." Alejandro said, sincerely. 

You and Alejandro continued to cuddle on the balcony, watching the stars. You knew that whenever moments of insecurity popped up, you had the strength to handle it together.

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