I wanna know you - Harold x popular!reader

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AU: High school
Note: Just thought Harold needed some appreciation since I barely see him in any stories :) I also had this idea for him for months but never published it.

To you, being popular in school meant you had to hold a certain standard. Everyone at Bodwell high knew your name, and it wasn't hard for you to make friends. But how many of those friendships were meaningful? How many of them understood the real you, the one who isn't pretending to present this perfect image that everyone liked?

Ever since your breakup with Lightning two weeks ago, a lot of people turned against you, which has been causing things to go downhill. This girl named Amy, who was your rival, tried to tear you down.

Amy spread rumors about you saying that you and Lightning broke up because you cheated on him. The reality is, Lightning just didn't accept you for yourself nor did he ever support you through anything. It was like you were this trophy of his. The school dance was coming up and you were supposed to go with him, but now all of that was thrown into the trash.

You walked into the library to just get away and cry, because you were overwhelmed. You didn't understand why people would just believe things without any proof.

You've spent the last two weeks here, not even hanging out with your best friends, Heather and Lindsay.

"Are you okay?" You felt someone tap your shoulder. You looked up, seeing it was Harold, who was in your music class.

You wiped your tears and nodded.

"Doesn't seem that way. You must be in a lot of pressure from what people have been saying about you." He replied, sitting next to you.

"Why is it any of your business?" You asked, feeling snappish.

"You don't have to have such an attitude." Harold replied, giving you a small smile. "It's okay to talk about it."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I understand how it feels to be picked on." Harold stated. "Duncan used to pick on me all the time. That was until I learned to fight back."

"You actually fought back Duncan?" You laughed, wiping more tears.

"Yeah! I learned about his weaknesses and slipped information into everyone's locker that he still has a thing for Courtney, even though he's with Gwen."

You chuckled, "I think I heard about that. That was last month, correct?"

"Yes. The thing is, you need to stop letting Amy and Lightning walk all over you. You need to stand up for yourself."

"But how?"

Harold smirked, then thought to himself. "Hmm.. I think I have a plan."


After you and Harold put temporary green hair dye into Amy's shampoo bottle for gym class, she ran out screaming, and you both laughed, giving each other a high five.

"I guess I underestimated you a little." You giggled, walking with Harold in the hallway.

"A lot of people do, but I like to prove them wrong." He smirked. "Want to get lunch together?"

You thought about it for a moment then nodded, "Sure!"

You and Harold walked to the office to get off campus passes for lunch, then headed to his car. You both stopped by a cafe.

"This is my favorite place to eat." You said, walking into the cafe.

"Mine too. I find the music here very soothing."

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