Prom dresses - Lindsay x reader

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Requested by: naomix2003x
Setting: High school 

Prom is just a few weeks away, and you and your best friend Lindsay have been trying to find the perfect dress ever since. It's been frustrating because you and Lindsay can't decide on just one dress because there are just so many options out there. On top of that, none of them looked good on either of you. At least that's what you two thought. 

There were dresses that you and Lindsay picked out that you both wanted, but none of you had the confidence to wear them. This discouraged you both. 

"Lindsay." You groaned, putting another dress back on the rack. "This is hopeless!"

"Oh, I know!" Lindsay exclaimed, taking out another dress. "These dresses keep making my head look big!"

You couldn't help but giggle at her comment about her head, causing her to smile. Lindsay asked, "What's so funny?"

You chuckled, trying your best to hold in your laugh as you watched Lindsay struggle with her self-image. "Lindsay, it's just that you're beautiful and I don't see why you would think having a big head is a bad thing. Besides, your head isn't even that big." 

Lindsay's face lit up and she smiled at you. "Thanks, Y/N! I guess that's something to be happy about, right? At least I have a head even if it's big."

You laughed even harder, and Lindsay joined in feeling much better about herself. Lindsay wrapped you in a hug, locking her eyes with yours. "You always know how to make me feel better, Y/N."

You blushed, and gazed up at her, "I try.. It's just that you're breathtaking and you deserve to know that."

Lindsay took the beautiful F/C dress you put back on the rack that you were eyeing but felt you didn't look good in. "Well, you're gorgeous too Y/N, and I wish you could see that also."

You looked down shyly, as Lindsay handed you back the dress. She gave you a genuine smile as she told you, "I know you think you don't look good in this dress, but I love how you look and I think anything makes you look amazing."

This was one of the things you loved about your deep, unconditional friendship with Lindsay. Even in moments of uncertainty and insecurity, you always found a way to lift each other up and make each other feel like we were worth something. 

Returning the gesture, you handed Lindsay back the bright blue dress that she really wanted, but felt insecure in. You gave her a warm smile and said, "I love you, Lindsay. You're my best friend."

Lindsay took the dress, giving you a small smile. Suddenly, she came up with an idea, "Hey! How about we wear these dresses for the rest of the day? That way it can be a reminder to be confident even outside of prom!"

You grinned, finding her idea amusing yet adorable. "I'd love that Lindsay!"

You and Lindsay went to the cash register to purchase the dresses then afterward, you went back into the changing rooms to change into them. When you and Lindsay stepped out, you both felt a newfound confidence that you hadn't before. 

"Looking good, girly." You smiled, giving Lindsay a wink. 

"So do you, cutie." Lindsay teased, linking her arm with yours. 

Both of you looked ridiculous wearing your prom dresses outside of prom, but you couldn't care less. You were having fun stepping out of your comfort zone. With Lindsay, anything was possible. 

You and Lindsay strolled around town, hand in hand, taking pictures of each other in your dresses all around, shooting different poses. You would compliment and hype each other up. 

Lindsay giggled as she twirled around in her dress as you recorded her. You gave her a thumbs up, then she got excited and asked, "Let me see!" 

You showed her the video, and she blushed, feeling herself grow more confident than ever. Lindsay smiled mischievously at you, "Your turn!"

You blushed, then stammered out, "Lindsay! But- But I'm embarrassed to twirl around like that!"

Lindsay just shook her head, giving you an encouraging smile, taking your hand to guide you to the spot she was just at. "You're gorgeous, Y/N! Trust me!"

You sighed and then began twirling as Lindsay recorded you. With each twirl, you start to relax and feel more confident. You stopped and then felt Lindsay's gaze on you. You blushed even more, seeing her gape in awe at your beauty.

"You're magical, Y/N!" Lindsay exclaimed, wrapping you in a hug. 

You giggled, then took her hand in yours. "Only when I'm with you."

After a few more rounds of posing, taking pictures and strolling, you and Lindsay decided to stop by a cafe for low fat milkshakes and sandwiches. You sat across the table from Lindsay after getting your orders, feeling a rush of affection for the girl you called your best friend. 

"You know, Lindsay. Today started off as a disaster, but thanks to you, I feel much better." You confessed, then took a sip of your milkshake. 

Lindsay nodded, then took a bite of her sandwich. "You made me feel better too, Y/N. You inspire me.. A lot."


"Of course, duh!" Lindsay giggled, wiping her mouth. "You're my best friend and whenever I see you shine, it helps me shine as well. It shows me that anything is possible. You're the most amazing girl I know, Y/N."

You felt your heart race along with a blush that spread through your cheeks, "Thank you, Lindsay." 

You and Lindsay both took a long sip out of your milkshakes and then cringed at the same time. You both laughed then exclaimed in unison: 

"Brain freeze!" 

You laughed even harder together, and at that moment, you knew that everything was just right. 

With you and Lindsay wearing your prom dresses and accessories at a cafe when prom hasn't even started yet, eating sandwiches and getting brain freezes from your milkshakes, you knew that this was where you felt the most happy. 

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