Apple orchard - Mike + alters x reader FLUFF

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Requested by: Ljimio
Setting: Apple orchard

You and Mike decided to have an adventure at the local apple orchard for a casual sweet date. It was Fall, so apple picking was the perfect activity to make desserts.

The apple orchid that you and Mike were visiting was huge, so it was easy to get lost. As you and Mike tried to navigate it, Manitoba came out and gave you a charming wink.

"Hey there, gorgeous. Follow me." He said, taking your hand in his, trailing along the path.

Manitoba used his senses and skills to guide you through the apple orchid. He picked an apple, then handed it to you.

"Mike is lucky." He grinned, causing you to blush.

As Manitoba led you through the apple orchard, you couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and intrigue. Manitoba, added an unexpected twist to your adventure and you admired his ability to navigate through the orchard with ease, as if he knew the place like the back of his hand.

"Thank you, Manitoba," You replied with a gentle smile, appreciating his efforts to guide you. "Mike is lucky to have someone as unique and caring as you in his life."

As you continued walking through the orchard, the autumn breeze rustled the leaves making the atmosphere relaxing.

Just then, Mike fronted and gave you a warm smile, taking in his surroundings. "How did we get here? Was it Manitoba?"

"Yes, we made it. Manitoba guided us." You explained, gently. You knew that he wouldn't always remember where he was whenever his alters fronted.

Mike sighed in relief, rubbing his head. He was grateful that Manitoba stepped in and noticed his distress. "I was worried we would get lost."

You held Mike's hand and assured him, "Don't worry."

Mike nodded, appreciating your understanding of his fears. He often gets worried about his alters interfering with his life, but sometimes they could be helpful. He especially never wanted anything to happen to you or his system.

You and Mike challenged each other to see who could pick the most apples. You both picked as many apples as fast as you could and you laughed when you saw an apple hit Mike's head. Mike laughed until Chester came out and started scolding Mike in front of you. You stifled a giggle as Chester kept complaining.

Chester eventually went back to Mike's inner consciousness and Mike came back out with a sheepish grin and asked what had happened and which alter came out.

You explained with a soft smile, "Chester came out and got annoyed but it's all good."

Mike wrapped his arms around you, "Are you sure?" He knew Chester could be overbearing and he didn't want you to be uncomfortable.

You nodded in understanding, "Of course, Mike. I accept all parts of you, remember?"

Mike let out a sigh of relief. "That's one of the things I love about you, Y/N."

As you and Mike continued your little apple picking contest, Mal came out with a smug expression on his face. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into a side hug "Hey gorgeous. Why on earth are we at an apple orchard?"

You blushed slightly, then Mal suggested before you could answer, "This is so boring. Let's make this more interesting."

"How so?" You asked, curiously.

Mal abruptly threw some apples towards a bucket as hard as he could, smashing the apples open. You laughed then joined in with him, as you both engaged in playful banter and you both tried to out do each other.

By the time you and Mal finished throwing the apples, you both were covered in apple juice and laughing. It had been a memorable and entertaining twist to a supposedly boring activity.

"This is all your fault!" You exclaimed, flinging crushed apples onto Mal's nose.

Mal chuckled, then poured apple juice from a nearby barrel over your head, "Looks like we're both in a sticky situation now."

"Who knew apple picking could be this fun?" You said, wiping the apple juice from your eyes.

Mal sighed and leaned against the tree, "Mike plans the most boring activities but I kind of like them. But don't tell him that or he will give me shit for it. That asshole."

You chuckled, "I won't."

As the sun began to set over the orchard, you found yourself feeling grateful for the unique experience and the opportunity to connect with Mike and his alters. Your casual sweet date has turned into something more profound, allowing you to deepen your understanding of Mike and his alters while enjoying the beauty of the orchard together.

Mike fronted, slightly holding his head. "My head is killing me from all that switching."

You took out a bottle of water from your backpack, "Here."

As Mike took the glass of water from you, he thanked you with a grateful smile. He took a sip, hoping it would help alleviate the headache caused by the frequent switching between alters.

"I never expected today to turn out like this," Mike said, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and amusement. "But I'm glad it did. It's not often that I can let loose and have fun like this."

"I'm glad too." You replied, "Getting to know the different sides of you has been eye-opening. It's helped me understand you better and appreciate the complexity of who you are."

Mike nodded, his expression thoughtful. "It's not always easy for people to understand or accept my alters. They can be quite challenging at times, especially Mal. But I'm grateful that you've been patient and open-minded about it all."

You reached out and gently squeezed Mike's hand, offering him support. "I care about you, Mike, all of you. I know it's not always easy, but I'm willing to navigate through the challenges with you."

"Thank you. That means a lot to me." Mike spoke, sincerely. You were definitely someone special to him and he was determined to always remind you of that. Not only Mike, but his alters as well knew you were special.

As you and Mike cuddled together on the hill of the orchard watching the sunset, you both knew your bond grew closer than ever. You understand Mike in a way that no one else did, and he appreciated your patience with his alters.

Love wasn't just about the easy and carefree times. It was about embracing the complexities and challenges that came with it. You were willing to embrace it all, supporting Mike and all his alters as they navigated their lives together.

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