The path to recovery - Poly!Noah x depressed!reader x Duncan x Cody

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Requested by: Pika-chibihiro
Setting: Adulthood

This story contains sensitive themes such as suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, self harm and mental health inpatient centers. Please reach out for help if you are struggling with these and remember you're not alone. 


The visiting hours at the mental health facility were currently open, so Noah, Duncan and Cody decided to visit you. They're hoping that having some company will help lift your spirits and give you some much-needed peace of mind.

You have spent about a week at the facility since your suicide attempt and have been trying to recover from it both physically and emotionally. However, you didn't feel worthy and you still wanted to disappear. 

"We brought you these." Cody spoke gently, handing you a bouquet of flowers. "We love you, Y/N."

Noah and Duncan exchanged worried glances, seeing how you appeared empty. You said, your voice cracking slightly, "Thank you."

Duncan sat beside you on the hospital bed, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you closer. "How are you feeling?"

"Broken." You whispered, your face crumbling. "I.. I can't do this anymore."

Noah and Cody immediately rushed to your side, enveloping you in a group hug with Duncan. Noah whispered soothing words, "It's okay. We will be here for you, Y/N. Every step of the way."

"I just." You sniffled, before continuing. "I just don't feel enough, you know? Like what's the point in trying if there's this endless void ahead of me."

"Y/N, you have so much ahead of you." Cody spoke firmly, "Don't doubt yourself like that. We will help you realize how worthy you are of life."

Duncan nodded in agreement, "We care about you, Y/N. Let us help you."

"I'll try." You whispered. You really did want to try. You just didn't know how. 


For the next two weeks, Cody, Duncan and Noah continued to visit you at the facility every day to help you adjust to your new surroundings. They made it a point to always ask if there was anything they could do to help, and they were always there to offer their support when you needed it.

They also wanted to help you with your self esteem, knowing that it played a big role in you needing to be open towards recovery. 

I brought you these cute, new pajamas to match your new bed. They're beautiful and I know you'll love them." Cody smiled as he opened a box of brand new pajamas for you. "Since you usually wear pajamas to bed, I thought these would be the perfect gift."

You smiled in excitement, holding the pajamas out. "They're beautiful, Cody! Thank you."

Duncan and Noah shared a playful grin and handed you a plastic jar filled with positive notes, reminding you of your worth and how much they love you. Duncan chuckled a little, "Okay, so I know these are too cheesy even for me and Noah, but we wanted you to remember how we feel about you, Y/N.. So since you're staying here, we thought that whenever doubt creeps in when we're not here, you'll have these to remind you." 

You tried your best to hold back tears. You knew how much effort it took them to do this for you. "Thank you."

The next day, your partners went all out to buy you your favorite food and made sure they ate with you in the cafeteria of the facility. They helped you engage in conversations with a few other people, giving you the confidence you needed to get back out there. They knew how important it was for you to have support systems outside of your relationship with them, so they encouraged you. 

"You inspire me, Y/N." A girl named Natalie told you, giving you a proud smile. "I'm proud of you for fighting through this. Also, you're now three weeks clean from self harm!"

You beamed in excitement, "I didn't realize that! I've been trying to fight through these urges and sometimes it gets challenging. But I try to remember that I'm doing this to get better, because recovery is possible."

"You're amazing Y/N and a true fighter." Natalie winked. 

Noah, Duncan and Cody exchanged proud smiles, as they overheard your conversation with Natalie. They loved how your progress and strength were recognized. 

Noah pulled you into a tight hug, stroking your hair. "We are very proud of you, Y/N. Everyone is. Please don't ever give up."


"Now, what do we say when we look in the mirror?" Duncan asks, standing with you in front of the facility's bedroom mirror. 

You mustered a small smile, taking a deep breath, "That I'm strong, beautiful inside and out, and capable of many great things."

Duncan smirked, "Now, repeat that whenever you doubt yourself. Whether it's looking in the mirror or even telling yourself that the first thing you wake up, repeat it until you believe it. Positive self talk is important."

Noah snorted a little in amusement, but he knew Duncan was right. He handed you two self care books. "This is for you too. We know how much you like reading."

"Such a dork." Duncan teased, pecking Noah's cheek, causing Noah to mock glare at him. 

Cody wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer, "You're our baby, Y/N and we would be devastated if we were to lose you."

Noah and Duncan nodded in agreement. They all couldn't wait until you were allowed to go home, so you could all cuddle and watch movies just like you used to. 

You couldn't wait either, knowing you had the best partners in the world. 


Soon, you made enough progress in group therapy for the psychiatrist to release you from the facility. You were proud of yourself for making it through such a difficult process and having to be vulnerable, confronting your past and struggles. However, through treatment and with the help of your boyfriends, you realized that being vulnerable isn't a bad thing and that it's okay to ask for help. Your struggles did not define you. 

"We got pizza!" Duncan exclaimed, holding out boxes of pizza, as Cody and Noah walked you to their car. 

"Yeah!" You exclaimed. You missed pizza and the hospital pizza wasn't the same. Noah chuckled then helped you in the car, but not before planting a kiss on your forehead. 

"We love you Y/N." Cody told you with a tremulous voice. "We have each other, and that's enough. We can make it through this together."

You nodded, then felt Duncan and Noah kiss your cheeks once again. You giggled, blushing at their affection. "I love you guys too. Thank you for never giving up on me."

"So, how about a roadtrip?" Duncan suggested, mischievously. You, Cody and Noah nodded in agreement. You were all excited at the thought of getting away from the city and spending some time together to celebrate your first day back home, knowing you were on the path to recovery. 

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