The new girl - Scott x country!reader

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Requested by: Monsterbound123
AU: High school

Note: Guys, thank you for 310K reads!

Scott walked into his homeroom class with his hands in his pockets, bored as fuck. It was the middle of the school year, and it was the same thing every day; dealing with annoying classmates, cheating on his homework, then going home to help his papi back at the farm. He was often bored and irritated at school, especially since he did not have that many friends. Not that he cared, he hated everyone. Nearly everyone at school judged him for being from the country and for still living on a farm, so he did not see a point in being kind.

Suddenly, a girl named Y/N L/N walked into his homeroom, immediately catching Scott's eye. She was beautiful and seemed interesting, and Scott knew he had to talk to her. The teacher greeted Y/N with a smile, asking her to introduce herself to the class.

"Hello, you guys! My name is Y/N. I'm from (Anywhere in the country)." You smiled, giving everyone a shy wave.

Scott sat up further, noticing you had a slight country twang. He put his hands on his chin, watching you with a shy smile.

You told stories of your life back home, and he felt drawn to you. Your stories included helping out on the farm, attending pie eating contests, horseback riding, and enjoying going to the movies with your friends. There was a hint of longing in your voice, and Scott felt his heart ache for you. He was the new guy once and he could relate to you.

Once you sat down, Scott admired your features. He thought your hair was pretty, and found your overall vibe comforting.


Scott saw you again, this time trying to make friends with a group of girls. However, he could tell those girls were wary of you and didn't like that you were new. Scott's heart sunk, as he watched the girls make fun of you then laugh, while walking away from you.

You stood there, looking down at the ground, feeling disappointed. You could tell by the way they were acting that they didn't like you and didn't want you to be around. Then, you smiled and went to talk to other people, as if nothing had happened.

Scott was taken aback by your ability to turn things around and make new friends. Your kindness and empathetic nature managed to draw a small group of people to you. You shared stories of your life back home, and showed people a few magic tricks too, making them laugh. To everyone's surprise, you didn't care for country music, and loved pop. You had an infectious smile, that was like a magnet that drew everyone in.

Of course, there were still a majority of people who teased you for being different, but you were kind and kept being yourself, despite what others thought of you. Scott admired this about you, because he had trouble being kind to others himself. He knew he could learn a thing or two from you.

Throughout the lunch hour, Scott observed you from afar. He admired your passion for the things you loved, and he was captivated by your kind heart. He wanted to find a way to win your heart and show you that you were not alone in this unfamiliar environment.

One day, which was two weeks after you moved here to Toronto, Scott decided to approach you. You were sitting alone during lunch, under a tree, eating a sandwich.

Scott wasn't sure what to say, but he asked, "I can't help but remember that you're from the country. Do you miss home?"

You looked up at Scott, giving him a shy smile, "More than anything."

Scott sat next to you, looking down at his hands. "I'm from the country too, and I understand what it's like to be in a new environment. Do you want to join me after school for a walk by the creek?"

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