Our playful exchange - Noah x reader FLUFF

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Requested by: SoftFloofandTea
Setting: A carnival, after Total Drama

Note: I hope no one takes offense to the lighthearted banter between you and Noah :)

After Total Drama ended, you and Noah's relationship continued to blossom. You have been together for three years and at this point, you were used to each other's playful antics. It was normal for you and Noah to tease and make fun of each other. That was how comfortable you were with one another.

As you and Noah stroll through the carnival, you both spotted his best friends Owen and Cody in the distance.

"Let's go say hi!" You exclaimed, dragging Noah along. Noah sighed playfully, but gave you a small smile and followed you to greet his friends.

You and Noah exchanged warm greetings with Cody and Owen, briefly catching up on your lives after Total Drama. You spoke about your experience on the show, while they shared their thoughts on the recent happenings in their lives. Cody got a job as a video game creator and Owen is still participating in reality shows and is even hosting a talk show.

While you were conversing with Cody, somehow the topic of you and Noah teasing each other came up. You overheard Owen saying to Noah, "Hey, Noah, I dare you to yell at Y/N, just to see her reaction!"

You glanced away from Cody to see Noah raising an eyebrow, looking unsure at the dare. You have heard Noah raise his voice whenever he got frustrated which was rarely, and in an odd way, it was actually very cute.

Your laughter filled the air the more you thought about Owen's dare because you found the idea of Noah yelling at you hilarious. You couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably, with your laughter growing louder by the second. Your amusement was so overwhelming that she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"But Noah sounds like a little girl when he yells!" You managed to say this in between fits of laughter. "Holy shit!"

You knew Noah wouldn't take offense to your comment, so you just kept laughing unapologetically.

Noah was taken aback by your reaction and couldn't help but chuckle himself. He looked down at you and playfully rolled his eyes. "Oh, really? Well, I'll have to show you just how manly my yell can be!"

He put on his best fake glare, but this only made you laugh even harder. You stood up from the ground and flicked Noah's nose lightly, causing him to scrunch up his face in mock annoyance. "Awww, cute little Noah!" you teased, with your laughter intensifying.

Noah couldn't help but smile at your playfulness. He loved seeing you so carefree and happy and he loved that you could tease each other without any offense. As you laughed harder and fell to the floor for the second time, rolling around in uncontrollable laughter, your laughter echoed across the carnival.

Noah smirked then crouched down beside you on the grass and began tickling your sides, while you playfully fought him. After both your laughter subsided, you both stood up from the grass to see Cody and Owen still there looking at you two in amusement.

"You two are something else." Cody chuckled, giving Owen a nudge. You and Noah exchanged glances, and intertwined your hands together. You both knew your connection was special and these moments of mischief made it even more endearing.

You and Noah held hands and started walking together, with your playful spirits still intact. As you both strolled along the carnival with Owen and Cody going to the rides, you couldn't resist playfully poking each other's sides, eliciting giggles and gentle protests.

"Stop!" You playfully whined, tickling Noah's side.

Noah let out a giggle then quickly covered his mouth. "Shut up!"

You chuckled, linking your arm with his then kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too. Sadly." He playfully let out an exaggerated sigh, causing you to mock frown at him.

You and Noah approached a Ferris wheel and joined the line, your hands still intertwined, sharing stolen glances and playful smiles.

As you and Noah got onto the seats, you couldn't help but admire the view from the top. It was breathtaking. Noah couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of the moment, but his gaze kept returning to you.

You leaned your head on Noah's shoulder and whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for always making me laugh and for being there for me."

Noah turned to you with a soft smile, "Thank you for bringing laughter into my life and reminding me not to take everything so seriously."

After the Ferris wheel descended and you and Noah got back down, you both continued to explore the carnival and challenged each other on some games. Noah won you a teddy bear and you couldn't hide the smile that spread across your face. He thought seeing you with the teddy bear was the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

When you and Noah arrived back at your shared home, you cuddled up on the couch after the day's exhaustion.

You leaned your head on Noah's shoulder, feeling his steady heartbeat. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer. The world around you seemed to fade away as you focused on the simple pleasure of being in each other's arms.

You locked eyes with him then exchanged soft kisses. Before you knew it, you ended up falling asleep on him. Noah chuckled, then carefully stood up, careful not to wake you.

Noah carried you off the couch then walked into the bedroom. He gently set you on the bed, put a blanket on you then kissed your cheek.

"Sweet dreams, Y/N. I love you."

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