Drunken banter - Jo x reader

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Requested by: Zlurpii

Setting: TD's reunion party at a hotel, during adulthood 

Note: Drink responsibly. I just thought this would be cute and informative, but please be safe in real life. :) 


Tonight was the annual reunion for the Total Drama cast to get together at a party. You and Jo attended each year, since her time on the show was a unique yet memorable experience. You did not compete on Total Drama, but you did compete in the Ridonculous race with your best friend. You met Jo through one of Total Drama's face offs with the Ridonculous race a few years ago. 

"Look at them." Jo laughed, pointing at Brick and Lightning, who were having an eat off. Brick started to choke, and quickly gulped down a glass of water. Jo chuckled at the memory of when her and Brick had their eat off. 

You chuckled in amusement, then took a sip of wine. 

Jo glanced at you then said, "Careful, tinkerbell. You know you're a lightweight." 

"Nah, I'll be fine." You smiled, taking another sip. Jo rolled her eyes, then wrapped her arm around you. She already knew she was going to have to take care of you tonight. She didn't mind though, since she was always protective of you. 

Just as Jo predicted, you got drunk. You were acting out of character; dancing on top of tables, singing on top of your lungs, and blabbering about things that made absolutely no sense like aliens building pyramids, why cats should rule the world - everything and nothing.

Jo couldn't help but find this absolutely hilarious and amusing, but she knew she had to protect you. As much as she found you adorable and funny, you were her girlfriend and she had to be a good one to you to look after you. 

"Easy Y/N." Jo sighed, lifting you off the table. "You're gonna fall."

You burped, then giggled. "But I've already fallen."


"For you, you big party pooper!" You laughed, winking at Jo. 

Jo rolled her eyes, letting out an amusing laugh. "That was so lame, tipsy head." 

"No it wasn't, fun police." You laughed, giving her a hug. 

Jo sighed, shaking her head and led you to the table. "Okay, that's enough. You need to relax." 

"But I'm..Fine." You yawned, starting to feel tired. Jo smirked at your exhaustion, then helped you sit at the table. 

"See? You need rest, wine bottle." Jo snorted. "I'm going to get you some water." 

Jo left quickly to get you a glass of water, and kept an eye on you, as she got your drink. 

Jo wanted to make sure that nothing would happen to you. She may have been on the show with a majority of these people, but some of them weren't trustworthy. Not that she was trustworthy herself on the show. She just wouldn't forgive herself if something happened to you. 

Scott noticed Jo was getting you a drink and he smirked, "Taking care of your girlfriend is a mouthful isn't it?"

"Shut up, dirt boy." Jo snapped, holding the glass. 

Scott snickered, "It must be embarrassing having her sing and dance like that."

With one hand, Jo punched Scott in the face, causing him to fly back into the chairs, crashing down. Everyone looked at them in shock, and Jo felt her face heat up in embarrassment. Jo glanced at you, noticing you were asleep. 

Before anyone could say anything, Jo rushed over to you, carrying you out of the hotel. She took her keys out of her pocket, unlocking the car then drove away. Usually Jo would stay and confront the situation, but she didn't want you to wake up to everyone arguing over what just happened, especially since you were in a vulnerable state. On top of that, you were sensitive. 

When Jo got home, she carried you out of the car, and you whimpered a little, nuzzling into her chest. This made Jo's heart skip a beat, as she smiled, her anger towards Scott forgotten. 

"Jo?" You mumbled. "Where are we?"

"We're at home." Jo stated, unlocking the door. 

"Why? Why aren't we at the party?" You asked, feeling confused. You winced, feeling your head start to hurt. 

"Scott and I gotten into a fight."


"I wish you would stop asking questions. You're so nosy, even when you're like this." Jo huffed in annoyance, bringing you to your shared bedroom. 

"It's because of me, right?"

Jo stayed silent, unsure of how to respond. You put the pieces together then started crying. 

"I ruined everything." You sobbed, covering your face. Jo immediately sat next to you, bringing you into a hug. 

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Y/N. You were just having fun and Scott insulted you. I was just being protective. You should know me by now. It's not new for me to get into fights."

Much to Jo's amusement, you started giggling, as if you weren't just having an emotional moment. 

"Hey Jo." You smirked, pulling away from her arms. 

"What now, alcohol breath?" Jo scoffed, playfully rolling her eyes. 

"Have you ever thought about... about how ducks quack?" You asked, looking at Jo, completely serious. 

"Ducks, dumbass?" Jo couldn't hold back a chuckle. "What are you even talking about?"

"But they're so funny!" You continued. "They just waddle around in their little cute feet, going 'quack quack' all day! What if humans spoke like that? Just walking around, going 'Jo Jo', 'Y/N Y/N'!" 

Jo couldn't take it anymore. She let out a huge laugh, her laughter echoing through the whole damn house. You laughed along, and Jo playfully punched your shoulder. 

"You're so stupid sometimes, Y/N. You're really out of it!" Jo laughed, clutching her stomach. 

You giggled, then leaned onto Jo's shoulder. "You're so soft. Can I snuggle you?"

Jo shook her head, enjoying this. She was so going to embarrass you tomorrow and tease you over this. 

"Sure." Jo chuckled, pulling you onto her lap. "Now, go to sleep, you drunk flirtatious idiot."

"But I'm your drunk flirtatious idiot." You mumbled, feeling yourself fall asleep. 

"Yes you are." Jo smiled, kissing the top of your head. She held you closer to her, putting her head on your shoulder. "Such a cute girl though."

Even though tonight didn't go as planned and you had your ridiculous moments all night, Jo cherished it and loved that she had you to experience it all. Tonight was filled with laughter and unconditional love, something that Jo cherished more than Total Drama's prize. 

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