My little dragon - Eva x reader

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Requested by: urmomlol-#
Setting: Adulthood

With the combination of anger management, therapy and meeting you, Eva always tried her best to control her temper. Since meeting you, Eva has discovered a softer side of herself that surprised everyone, especially herself. You have been dating for a year already, and she would do anything to make you smile, just like how you make her smile everyday.

Your one year anniversary was today, and Eva had been planning and organizing for weeks to make sure everything was perfect.

Eva woke up early to prepare breakfast in bed for you. As she cooked, the smoke alarm suddenly blared and the stove ended up breaking. Smoke filled the room, and Eva quickly opened all the windows then turned off the alarm. You woke up to the chaos, startled then went into the kitchen to check on your girlfriend. 

You couldn't help but smile as you watched Eva do her best to breathe in and out and not lose her temper. She looked like a cute little dragon, and you wanted to laugh, but you knew she was doing her best to not get overwhelmed already. So, you hugged her from behind, causing her tense body to relax a little. 

Eva smiled warmly and pulled you into a tight hug, wrapping her arms around you. "Happy anniversary, babe."

You blushed, feeling the familiar butterflies erupt. "Happy anniversary."

Eva glanced around the kitchen at the broken stove and tried not to let her frustration show. You smiled softly, then said, "It's okay, Eva. We can order takeout or something. Just as long as I get to spend time with you."

Eva sighed, trying to push down her bubbling irritation. "Okay, Y/N. We can go to your favorite cafe?"

"I'd love that." You said, sincerely. You could be on top of the moon or on the streets, but you didn't care as long as you were with Eva. 

When you and Eva arrived at your favorite cafe, it was packed. It was Sunday morning, so everyone off work wanted to get breakfast. Eva clenched her teeth in anger, trying her best to not shout. You noticed this then gave her hand a gentle squeeze. 

You whispered, "Eva, it's okay. We can wait, go somewhere else or just stay in and order takeout. The day isn't ruined because we have a lot of options."

Eva sighed, running her hand through her ponytail. "I know, but I wanted some quiet time with you."

You smiled, reassuringly. "It's okay, Eva."

Eva decided to take you to another restaurant, but to her irritation, all the restaurants were packed. You both agreed to just settle for breakfast from McDonalds and go on a picnic in the park. Eva drove home first, so she could pick up her speaker to play music, along with extra snacks and a cozy blanket before driving back to the park. 

For the first hour, it was okay. You and Eva laughed, shared stories, and even teased each other in lighthearted banter. However, dark clouds gathered overhead, and droplets of rain began to fall. 

Eva's heart sank, but she quickly pulled out an umbrella from her bag, sheltering you both. You huddled together under the umbrella, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. 

"Eva, looks like that's what you get for being a cute little grouch." You teased her, nudging her playfully. 

Eva playfully rolled her eyes, chuckled softly. "Shut up before I let the rain drown you."

"You wouldn't." You challenged, giving her a knowing smirk. 

Eva raised an eyebrow, then gave you a smug smile, lifting the umbrella away from you, causing the rain to pour on you. You squealed in surprise then laughed and dragged Eva along with you, making the rain pour on you both. 

You and Eva locked eyes after a few playful shoves and jokes. You both leaned in, pressing your lips against each other's. No matter how many times you and Eva kissed, it always felt better than the first time. You wouldn't have it any other way. 

"Did we just do the sappiest thing that we make fun of while we watch those stupid romance movies together?" Eva laughed, once she pulled away.

You shrugged, then pulled her into another kiss, letting the rain soak you both. Eva smiled into the kiss, her anger from earlier fading away. 

Eva was still slightly irritated but she was in a better mood than this morning, thanks to the little surprise from the rain. 

You both decided to cozy up due to the rain and watch romance movies, only for the purpose of making fun of them. You and Eva loved to do this as a little joke between you two and it was a secret only you knew about. She would never admit to her friends Izzy, Noah and Owen that she watches these movies with you. 

Eva wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer to her then rested her chin on top of your head. As you continued joking around about the characters, Eva suddenly got up from the couch and got out her bag from earlier. 

"Y/N, I can't believe I forgot your gift!" Eva exclaimed, disappearing off into the bedroom. She shortly came out, with her bag, that was still wet from the rain from earlier. 

"Shit!" She yelled out, desperately trying to salvage the wet envelope. 

Concerned, you got up from the couch, "Eva, what's wrong?"

Eva turned away from you, trying her best to not lose her temper, but this was really pushing it. "The letter that I revised and spent time perfecting for months.. It's ruined."

You frowned in sadness, mostly for Eva's thoughtfulness and anxiety about the situation. Before you could say anything, Eva said, "Wait! I'll.. I'll try to say it verbally."

You watched in concern, as Eva desperately tried to fumble with the soaked letter to remember what she wrote and stammered over her words. Just as she was about to yell out in frustration, you closed the difference between the two of you, and wrapped her into a comforting hug. 

"You know, Eva, not everything has to be perfect," you said softly. "What matters most is that we are together. That's what makes this day special."

Eva felt a weight lift from her shoulders as she absorbed your words. She nodded, a smile spreading across her face.

You chuckled, then held her hands, locking your eyes with hers. "I got you something too.. My little dragon."

Eva blushed at the nickname you often used for her. She would never admit this in a million years, but she loved it whenever you called her your little dragon. 

You went into your shared bedroom, then walked out, holding a small box in your hands. You smiled mischievously, "Open it."

Eva opened the box, and to her amusement, it was a necklace with a dragon pendant. She laughed, then wrapped her arms around you, kissing the top of your head. 

"You're such a doofus, Y/N. I love you." Eva chuckled, putting on the necklace. She was going to use this everyday, and she knew she wasn't going to care what her friends would say, especially Noah. 

"I love you too, dragon. Remember that I love spending every moment with you, both good and bad." You promised. 

At that moment, Eva realized that love wasn't about having everything go according to plan. It was about cherishing each other, supporting one another, and finding joy in the simplest of moments.

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