Thanksgiving dinner - Anxious!Mike x confident!reader

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Requested by: toxic_ghost_
Setting: Adulthood

You had been looking forward to Thanksgiving for weeks. It was the first time you and Mike were hosting a big family feast at your place, and you couldn't wait to show off your culinary skills. As you chopped vegetables in the kitchen, you could hear Mike shuffling around in the living room, his footsteps heavy with anxiety.

You put down the knife and walked over to find Mike nervously flipping through the recipe book, his brow furrowed and his expression troubled. "Hey, what's wrong?" You asked, gently touching his arm.

Mike looked up at you, his eyes filled with worry. "I'm just... I'm nervous, Y/N," He admitted, his voice filled with shame. "I'm afraid my alters might ruin everything. Especially Mal. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone."

Mike had always been protective of his alters and as much as he loved them, sometimes he felt he had to hide them. He was afraid of judgment and that people wouldn't see him as 'normal.'

When Mike first started dating you after Total Drama, he hid his past at first, but it took him awhile for him to open up about his DID. You were accepting of him and supported him throughout his mental health journey.

You wrapped your arms around Mike, pulling him into a reassuring hug. "Mike, listen to me," You said firmly. "Your alters are a part of who you are, and they don't define you. We'll get through this together, I promise."

As the day went on and the preparations for the dinner continued, you made sure to involve Mike in every aspect of the planning. You asked for his input on the menu, encouraged him to set the table just the way he liked, and made sure he felt included every step of the way. You wanted him to be as comfortable as possible. Slowly, you could see the tension start to melt away from his shoulders.

"How are you feeling?" You asked, after Mike was done setting up his favorite decorations. You smiled, seeing faux fall leaves on the table and the scent of pine cones.

"A little better." Mike sighed, "But I'm still nervous."

"It's okay to be." You told him. "I'll be right here, every step of the way."

"Thank you, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Mike had always admired your confidence and you made it a point for him to find his own. He had so much potential, despite his anxieties and it was a work in progress for him to see it.

The evening came, and it was time for you and Mike's family to arrive. Some of your family members already knew about Mike's DID and were accepting, but others, who you weren't that close to didn't know about it yet. Of course, most of Mike's family members knew about his DID. You made sure that Mike only invited who he wanted and trusted.

It was a rough topic, since his DID was formed from trauma within his family, but of course, you and Mike did not invite the relatives involved in that, including the ones who sided with his past abusers.

As the guests started to arrive, Mike's anxiety seemed to grow. You could see him fidgeting and casting worried glances at the door. You knew that the fear of his alters emerging and causing a scene was weighing heavily on him.

"You okay?" You asked Mike, as you watched his relatives interact and take their seats.

Mike sighed, "I don't know, Y/N. I'm scared."

"Everything's going to be okay, Mike. We've got this. If anything happens, I will take care of it."

"Are you sure?"

You smiled. "I'm more than sure. Mike, I love you and your alters."

Mike blushed, feeling relieved. He loved how you accepted all parts of him.

Soon, all the guests arrived and as the dinner began, everything seemed to be going well. Mike was interacting with his relatives he hasn't seen since last year, he even participated in the thanksgiving activities your mom planned and he ate a lot of food.

However, just as dessert was being served, you noticed a subtle change in Mike's demeanor. His eyes darkened, and his posture shifted, signaling the emergence of one of his alters.

"Mike, are you okay?" You whispered, trying to catch his attention.

It was too late. Mal, the most intimidating of Mike's alters, had taken over. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and you could sense the unease among you and Mike's relatives.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Mal smirked, eyeing everyone in the room. His focus was mainly on Mike's family, who Mal had never trusted.

You leaned closer to Mal, "Mal, I understand that you're hurting and you want to protect Mike, but now is not the time. The people who hurt you and Mike aren't here, remember? How about we get some pie?"

Mal's expression softened. After years of therapy, Mal struggled with his misguided attempts at protecting Mike and himself with his chaotic ways, but he's been trying to get better.

Mal sighed, "Fine, but only one slice."

You smiled then stood up from the table, as Mal went to eat pumpkin pie. "Hey, everyone," You called out, drawing the attention away from Mal. "I want to thank you all for being here today. Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude and togetherness, and I'm grateful for each and every one of you."

Everyone cheered and began sharing what they were thankful for.

Mal smiled a little then you took a seat right next to him, "What are you thankful for, Mal?"

Mal stayed silent for a moment. "Um.. I guess having a second chance."

You smiled taking his hand in yours. "That's very special, Mal."

"Don't push it though." He sighed, feeling embarrassed. "I don't think Mike forgives me yet."

"He'll come around." You assured him. "Just remember what the therapist talked about, how these things take time, as long as you and Mike work together."

"I'll try." Mal sighed, wishing he could turn back time.

After several more minutes, you felt Mike's grip on reality returning. Mal's presence began to fade, and you could see the relief in Mike's eyes.

"Y/N," Mike murmured, his voice filled with gratitude and relief. "Thank you for understanding and for helping me through this."

You smiled and squeezed his hand. "You don't have to thank me, Mike. I love all of you, no matter what. We'll always face everything together, including your DID. You're not alone in this."

After everyone had gone home, you and Mike sat together in the quiet of the living room, snuggling to Christmas music.

"Thank you, Y/N," Mike said softly, squeezing your hand. "I couldn't have done it without you. You made me see that I don't have to be ashamed of who I am."

You smiled at him, feeling your heart swell with love. "You're amazing, Mike, all of you," You replied. "I'm just here to remind you of that. I always will be."

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