Nervous - Emma x shy!reader

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Kitty, was your classmate in one of your college courses, and you two were pretty close friends, since you had the same major. She introduced you to her sister Emma, who was only a year older than you and you developed a crush on her immediately. Her sarcasm, her motivation, and her overall personality were just so attractive to you. Kitty set you two up, so tonight was your first date together to get to know each other more.

"She's so cute," Emma thought to herself, gazing at you in front of her.

You looked down nervously fixing your hair, focusing on the food and not the beautiful girl staring at you. You blushed a little, causing Emma to smile more at you.

Jazz music played throughout the cafe, which you loved and found calming to your anxious mood. You cleared your throat, deciding to break the silence, "So.. Do you like Jazz music?

Emma chuckled, "Yes! But I'd like to learn more about you."

"What would you like to know?" You asked, hoping you won't embarrass yourself.

"Anything!" Emma exclaimed.

For the next thirty minutes, you and Emma started forming a deeper connection, and you realized how much you two were alike, yet different. You laughed at her sarcastic humor, which you found very attractive.

"So.. What do you think about moving in together in two years?" Emma asked, looking completely serious.

"What?" You asked, a bit freaked out.

"When we move in together after the wedding." She chuckled, reaching for your hand.

You sat there completely flustered, and scared of what to say next. Kitty warned you that Emma can be a bit obsessive and forward when it comes to her relationships, but you didn't think it was like this.

You excused yourself to go to the restroom to wash your face, because you were overwhelmed. You didn't know how to approach this situation. You were flattered Emma thought of you that way, but you guys aren't even official yet.

After five minutes, you stepped out of the restroom, and saw Emma looking down, ashamed. You sat in front of her, "Sorry about that."

"No, I'm sorry." Emma sighed. "I was too forward, and you were already nervous tonight. It's a bad habit, Kitty even says that's the reason my ex broke up with me."

"You're okay." You smiled. "It may be a bit.. Much, but in a way it's kind of cute."



After paying for your food, you both went outside to walk around town. The rest of the night was enchanting, and you both spent it laughing under the stars.


After your first date together, you and Emma began to spend more and more time together, this time as an official couple. Kitty was so happy for you guys that she took many candid pictures. Your favorite was the one of you and her cuddling on the couch together, while you were sitting on her lap.

For awhile, you began opening up to her more and slowly stopped being shy. She found your energy very adorable and comforting. She knew she could talk to you about anything.

However, one day, she started acting cold towards you. She would avoid you whenever you came over, even if it was just to hang out with Kitty, and she would not respond to your messages. This went on for two weeks. This gave you so much anxiety, and you kept trying to think of what you did wrong. You finally broke down telling Kitty everything.

"I knew something was off when you two wouldn't spend time together. I didn't want to but in, until you were ready to talk." Kitty explained, "I don't know what's up with her. She's in her room, you should try talking to her."

You nodded, then stood up from the couch to walk to Emma's room. You knocked on her door, "Emma? We need to talk."

Emma didn't answer, so you knocked again. This time, she opened the door. She glared at you, causing you to feel scared. "What? Why do you always feel the need to bother me?"

You stayed silent, holding back tears. If there was one thing you hated, it was being yelled at.

Emma continued, giving you a death glare, "You're overly clingy, you don't know how to give me space, and you're too much to handle. Just go away!" She shoved you hard, then slammed the door on you.

You ran out of the house, ignoring Kitty's pleas for you to come back. You cried throughout the drive home, not understanding what you did wrong.


You heard someone knock on your door, the next day. You opened it, seeing it was Emma. Out of fear, you tried to close it quickly, but she stopped you, walking into your apartment.

"Y/N, please let me explain.." She pleaded, but you kept backing away.

"No, please just go away." You mumbled, hiding behind the couch. You really didn't want to see her, and you felt nervous about what she was going to do. Her angry outburst the other day was scary to you. "I'm sorry for everything I did, just leave me alone."

Emma tried kneeling down so she could talk to you, but you sprinted off, not wanting to be near her. She grabbed you from the back before you could run off to your room. She hugged you tightly, trying to calm you down. You tried to get her to let go of you, but she wouldn't listen.

"It's okay.. You're okay. I'm so sorry, Y/N." She whispered, burying her face into your hair.

After ten minutes, Emma led you to your couch, and began explaining her reasons for treating you badly. She explained how she became so obsessed with the relationship that she started losing focus on her classes, nearly failing. She also felt her feelings for you grow deeper, which scared her because she has a hard time trusting people, only for them to leave her. After that day Emma yelled at you, and pushed you, Kitty got angry at her, which made Emma realize how horrible she was acting.

"I guess I understand." You sniffled, avoiding her gaze. "I didn't mean to be a distraction."

Emma wiped your tears with her thumb, then hugged you more. "You're not. It was my fault, I got carried away when it's not your job to make sure I do well. So.. Will you give me another chance?"

You looked down, thinking about it, before you nodded, "Yes.."

Emma pulled you into a kiss, then you both stayed on your couch in silence enjoying each other's company. Emma knew she never wanted to let you go, no matter how nervous you both got about the relationship.

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