Carry you - Trent x reader FLUFF

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Requested by: snowysalt0106
Setting: College

You had been feeling overwhelmed with your college workload and various responsibilities in your personal life. It seemed like the weight of the world was on your shoulders, and you were desperately in need of a break. Thankfully, your boyfriend Trent understood your struggle and always knew how to lift your spirits.

You and Trent met back in Total Drama and ended up forming a connection through the show then decided to go to the same college afterwards. So, you both were familiar with getting through challenges together.

One evening, as you were sitting in your dorm room, feeling exhausted and stressed, the sound of a knock on your door startled you. You opened the door and saw Trent standing there, a warm smile on his face and a plastic bag with bunch of delicious desserts in his hands.

"You didn't!" You gasped, as Trent walked in.

Trent chuckled, setting the bag of desserts down. "I did. I heard you were having a tough time, so I brought some treats to cheer you up."

You couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness. "Trent, you're amazing."

Trent enveloped you in a comforting hug. "No problem. Anything for my girl."

You and Trent began to indulge in the sweet treats he had brought. The stress of the day seemed to melt away, and you found yourself relaxing in his company.

You and Trent talked about everything and anything, from your classes to your dreams for the future. After eating the desserts and the conversation continued, you leaned against Trent, seeking comfort in his presence. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer, and you snuggled into his side, feeling safe and loved.

Trent stroked your hair then planted a kiss on top of your forehead. "I'm proud of you, Y/N. You're about to accomplish your dreams soon."

You sighed, leaning closer to him. "I'm proud of you too. You're going to be a great singer."

"Speaking of singer, I wrote a song for you!" Trent exclaimed.

Your eyes lit up in excitement, "Really?"

Trent smiled, pulling you close to his chest. "Of course! Let me show you."

You snuggled closer to Trent as he began to sing to you a soothe melody that he wrote just for you. Trent always wrote songs about you and they never failed to make you feel special. You soon started falling asleep.

Trent chuckled at your exhaustion then carried you in his arms and placed you gently back onto your bed then tucked you in. He brushed a strand of hair away from your face then kissed your cheek.

"Sleep well, beautiful. I love you."

When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself wrapped in the comfort of your bed, the morning sunlight filtering through the window. You turned your head and saw Trent sitting in a chair next to your bed, watching over you with a gentle expression. You smiled and held his hand.

"You're awake," He whispered, smiling gently. "How are you feeling?"

You stretched, feeling refreshed. "I feel amazing. Trent, did you carry me to bed after you sang to me?"

He nodded, his eyes filled with affection. "Yeah, I didn't want to disturb your sleep. You looked so peaceful, I couldn't resist."

Trent's caring nature never ceased to amaze you. With him by your side, even the most restless nights turned into moments of comfort and love.

"Thank you, Trent," You said, your voice filled with gratitude. "For the lullaby and for carrying me to bed. You always know how to make me feel safe and cherished."

Trent leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "It's my pleasure, Y/N. I'll always be here to sing you to sleep and carry you through life's challenges."

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