How you get the girl - Ezekiel x reader

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Requested by: Tordtomeddmatt
AU: High school


"Are you excited about the school dance coming up next month?" Sammy asks, walking with you to English. 

You groaned in frustration, not wanting to hear about the dance. "No. I don't have a date. I swear, Sammy, I'm going to be single forever." 

Sammy laughed, "Aww don't say that, Y/N. I'm sure you'll find someone. Besides, you don't need a date to go to the dance. Jasmine, Shawn, Cody, and I will be there."

"Yeah, but I'll be the fifth wheel." You chuckled, opening the door and headed to your seat. Sammy sat beside you, putting her bag on the ground. 

"You're beautiful, Y/N. Don't get your hopes down." 

"Thanks Sammy." You smiled. 

You and Sammy have been best friends, since you transferred to Bodwell high, last year, in junior year. You stood up for her, when Amy was bothering her in Gym class and since then, you two had each other's back through everything. 

Your teacher got up from his desk and began writing on the board. You put your hand on your cheek, already wanting the class to end. You looked around the room, and spotted a boy named Ezekiel staring at you. You quickly turned away, lightly nudging Sammy. 

Sammy turned to look at you, then whispered, "What's wrong, Y/N?"

You whispered, "Ezekiel has been staring at me, since I first moved here. Does he do that with everybody?"

Sammy glanced at Ezekiel, seeing he was still looking towards you. She turned to you and whispered, "Not that I know of.. A lot of people are creeped out by him." 

Before you could reply, your teacher announced that there is a project coming up on writing your own story. You smiled, already knowing you will work well with Sammy, but your smile dropped when your teacher said he'll be picking your own partners. 

"Great." You muttered. 

"Jo and Eva. Cameron and Heather. Sammy and Zoey." 

Sammy walked over to Zoey, and you looked around the room, wondering who you'll be partnered with. 

You dozed off, until your teacher said, "Y/N and Ezekiel." 

Ezekiel got his things, and sat next to you, giving you an awkward smile. "Hi."

You shyly smiled. "Hey." 

"So.. We're partners now. I guess since you're a lady, I'm gonna have to take charge."

You sat up, and glared at him. "Excuse me?"

Ezekiel gave you a confused look, and answered, "Well, girls can't take charge, and need men to do the work for them. It's the girls job to follow what we say."

You sat there in disbelief. "How can you say that?" 

"My parents told me." He told you. "Now, let me start on my ideas and you can write your name on it."

"No." You snapped, standing up. "I don't care what your parents said, it's wrong." 

"How is it wrong?" Ezekiel asked. "Women can't do what a man does."

"That's not true." You said, trying not to yell. "Ezekiel, we can't work together if you keep acting like this. Get your shit together, because what you're saying is sexist." 

Ezekiel stayed silent. You looked at him, expecting him to say something. You really didn't feel comfortable arguing with him, but you were going to be working with this guy for the next two weeks. You had to make it clear that you weren't going to tolerate disrespect. 

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