No one messes with what's mine - Mal x nerdy!male reader

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Requested by: _Bakugo_waifu_
Setting: TDAS

Note: I don't encourage Mal's method of protection in real life.  Remember, this is only for entertainment purposes since this is how Mal does act in character. Remember, violence isn't the answer and situations like these should be approached with sensitivity in real life :)  Just putting this disclaimer.


Mal had always been protective and caring towards you, which was a strange and unexpected surprise to witness for everyone. It was no secret that Mal could be unpredictable and sometimes cruel, so the fact that he was genuinely in love and protective of you felt out of character.

Scott, who fiercely hates Mal, enjoyed finding ways to provoke Mal in subtle ways without getting caught. He would sabotage Mal's plans behind his back and torment those who Mal cared about. Mal did not care about anyone, except for you. So, you were the obvious target for Scott.

"You don't mind, do you?" Scott sneered, breaking your computer with a sadistic smile. Your heart sank, knowing how expensive that is.

"Please." You whispered, picking up your broken computer. "Let me be."

Scott laughed then walked away, relishing in his victory. You were left broken and defeated, knowing that you would probably have to buy a new computer. But it wasn't just the computer you were upset about. It was the fact that Scott always seemed to have power over you. 

Hours later, you and Mal were sitting by the lake and Mal noticed your distressed expression. His eyes filled with love and concern as he asked, "Y/N, are you okay?"

You forced out a smile, with a shaky voice, "I'm alright. Just stressed from the challenge."

Mal watched you closely, his instincts telling him that something was amiss. He knew you well enough to recognize when you were hiding something, and your distressed expression only confirmed his suspicion. He wanted to push further, to demand answers and protect you from whatever was troubling you. 

Suppressing the bubbling rage inside him, Mal reached out and gently squeezed your hand. "If something's bothering you, Y/N, you can always talk to me," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.

You glanced at him, conflicted. You wanted to confide in Mal, to let him know about Scott's relentless bullying and theft. However, you were afraid of how he would react. You had seen the destructive power of his anger before, and the last thing you wanted was for him to get into trouble again. He had just been released from jail, so you didn't want the consequences of his rage to be irreversible. 

"I appreciate that, Mal," you replied, your voice wavering slightly. "But it's just... personal stuff. I'll handle it on my own."

Mal frowned, his grip tightening slightly. He could tell you were holding back, but he also sensed the fear in your eyes. 

"Alright," he said, his voice tinged with disappointment. "Just remember, Y/N, I'm here for you, no matter what. If you ever change your mind or need my help, don't hesitate to come to me."

You nodded, grateful for his understanding. It pained you to keep this secret from him, but you believed it was for the best. You didn't want to see Mal's anger unleashed upon Scott, knowing the consequences it would bring.

For the next few days, Scott's torment continued. He stole your belongings, threw insults at you, and spread rumors about you. Each time, you kept it hidden from Mal, enduring the pain and humiliation in silence. It was a heavy burden to bear, but you convinced yourself that it was necessary to protect Mal and prevent him from spiraling out of control.

Mal began to sense that something was wrong. He noticed the change in your behavior and how scared you seemed. He vowed to uncover the truth behind your suffering.

Things reached a breaking point when Scott crossed a line that you couldn't ignore. He cornered you one day by the beach with his malicious grin sending shivers down your spine. At this point, you knew you couldn't face this alone any longer.

As Scott's taunts grew louder and more vicious, a familiar voice boomed from behind him. "Leave him alone, Scott!"

Both you and Scott turned to see Mal standing there, his eyes blazing with fury. The sight of his protective stance sent a surge of relief through your veins, even as you worried about the consequences that would follow.

Scott sneered at Mal, "What's it to you, Mal? Can't handle someone standing up to you?"

Mal's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Oh, Scott, you have no idea what I'm capable of."

As Mal advanced towards Scott, his anger threatening to consume him, you stepped forward, placing a hand on his arm. "Mal, please, not here. We can't let him win."

But Mal did not care. He lunged towards Scott, his fist connecting with Scott's face. Scott flew back onto the ground, and Mal continued punching Scott repeatedly. Scott could barely fight back because Mal's strength was incredible. 

You were tense and soon found your voice, "Mal, please!"

Mal stopped in the middle of his punches, then let out an annoyed sigh. He forcefully dropped Scott to the ground, causing Scott to groan in pain. Mal nodded then took your hands in his, walking with you along the beach as if nothing had happened. 

You glanced at Mal, who had a determined expression on his face. "What's on your mind, Mal?"

Mal smirked, sending butterflies fluttering around your chest. "I'm just happy that I proved my point. I would do anything to protect you."

You chuckled, then leaned closer to him with your shoulders touching, "You know actions still have consequences, right?"

Mal shook his head, his usual carefree yet intriguing demeanor showing, "Don't care. No one messes with what's mine." 

You felt butterflies erupt again, knowing Mal would go to great lengths to protect you and to make sure you never had to face anything alone. He cared for you in his own messed up way and knowing Mal, that was something you had to deal with. 

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