Backstage - Junior x famous singer! reader

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Requested by: YofriendJess01
Setting: A town and a concert
Song featured: All I want - Olivia Rodrigo

Note: I made the reader aged same because I thought that'd be cuter :)

Junior smiled happily as he played songs by his favorite artist named Y/N L/N in his room. Y/N was a new artist who was slowly starting to become more well known. What made it unique and more personal to Junior was that Y/N was his age. Junior found it amazing how someone his age could accomplish so much in so little time.

Junior's dad knocked on his door, and opened it with an excited grin on his face, "Junior, guess what?"

"What, dad?" Junior sighed, taking out his earphones.

Junior's dad smiled and held out two tickets, "You know your favorite artist, Y/N? She's going to be having a concert here during the weekend! I got us both tickets to see her."

Junior immediately got up from his bed, smiling brightly, "Thank you dad. Thank you so much!"

Junior's dad laughed, "No problem, kiddo! See? I'm a cool dad!"

Junior chuckled, "Yeah!"


Junior and his dad arrived at the concert, with Junior playing your songs in his earphones while they waited in line.

Junior tried his best to keep his cool and hide his excitement. He had been a fan of you for about a year now, and he didn't think he'd be seeing you perform anytime soon.

Junior's dad began chatting with the other dad's in line who brought their kids as well. Junior began to feel embarrassed at his dad making lame jokes.

"Dad, knock it off!" Junior pleaded, looking at the other kids who were laughing at his dad.

His dad just chuckled, and continued talking to the other parent, "My boy is a huge fan of Y/N! He has all her albums and posters. It's amazing. When I surprised him with tickets, you should've seen the look on his face."

"Dad!" Junior whined, tugging his dad's shoulder.

"Okay, kiddo. I got it!" Junior's dad laughed, messing Junior's hair. "Kids these days."

Junior's dad looked around the stage, and smiled when he spotted some people lining up across from them selling merch. "Junior! They're selling merch here too. Do you want to get some while we wait?"

Junior looked down, a little embarrassed. "Maybe after the show? I don't want to lose our spot in line."

Junior's dad chuckled, "Okay."


At your concert, Junior and his dad sat in the fourth row from the stage. Everyone kept recording and cheering while you sang. Junior's dad recorded your performances, while Junior stood there completely captivated by your voice.

"All I want is love that lasts, is all I want too much to ask? Is there something wrong with me?" You sang. "All I want is a good guy. Are my expectations far too high?"

Junior felt chills down his spine, as he heard you hit the high note. He knew your voice was beautiful, but it was even more beautiful live. He also found you even more beautiful in person.

"Wow! No wonder you like her music so much!" Junior's dad told him, smiling. "She's really talented."

Junior nodded, still keeping his gaze on you. He really wanted to tell you in person how amazing you were, and also to have a normal conversation with you. You were his age, and that made him even more curious about you.

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