Change of heart - Amy x male!reader

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Requested by: ev12348
Setting: After TDPI

The one thing you didn't like about Amy, despite her being the love of your life was, she has this tendency of pushing people away. She is afraid to be vulnerable and she acts aggressive out of fear.

This causes Amy to get overly jealous, to never admit when she's wrong and to start arguments over everything. You tried to understand, but you were starting to get burnt out.

"And I'm just about done with you!" Amy screamed out in anger on the other side of the line.

You sighed, trying your best to not shout back, "Amy, you always say that."

"But I mean it this time."

"Do you really?"

Amy hesitated for a moment, "Um.."

You gently interrupted her, "Amy, we can't keep doing this, arguing all the time."

"We wouldn't keep arguing if it wasn't your fault."

"Amy, stop. The reason we're arguing is, you push me away too much and you assume the worst about me. It's starting to get exhausting." You told her.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that, we need to take a break."

Amy stayed silent on the other line, "A break?"

"Yes, Amy. You're obviously not ready for this and for the both of our well-being, we need to take a step back. I hope you understand."

With that, you hung up, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. You knew you had to do what's best for you, knowing that Amy needed to learn to communicate. It was exhausting to have someone who starts fights with you all the time and to make matters worse, Sammy faced the brunt of Amy's anger towards you. You did this for her sake too.

Meanwhile, as you were deep in thought, Amy still stared at her phone in shock.

"Samey!" Amy yelled out, causing Sammy to walk into her room. Amy decided to confide in Sammy. Sammy had always been the more level-headed and compassionate sibling, so Amy hoped she could provide some guidance.

"What do you want?" Sammy rolled her eyes. Ever since Jasmine came into Sammy's life, Sammy learned to stand up to Amy and set boundaries.

"Samey," Amy began, her voice filled with genuine concern, "I think I'm really messing things up with Y/N. We argue all the time, and I can feel him slipping away. I don't want to lose him."

Sammy looked at her sister, her expression a mixture of sympathy and understanding. "You finally realize it now?" She asked, her voice gentle yet filled with annoyance. "Amy, you've always had a difficult personality. Y/N has been patient with you, but there's a limit to how much anyone can take. If you want to salvage your relationship, you need to change your attitude."

Amy's eyes widened as she absorbed her sister's words. Deep down, she knew Sammy was right. Amy had always been the more self-centered and demanding twin, often overshadowing Sammy's kindness and consideration. However, now, faced with the possibility of losing someone she genuinely cared about, Amy was willing to put her ego aside and work on herself.

"Samey, I don't want to be like this anymore," Amy admitted. "I want to be a better person, not just for Y/N but for myself too. Can you help me?"

Sammy smiled, relief washing over her. "Of course, Amy. I've been waiting for you to ask for help. Changing isn't easy, but I know you're capable of it. Let's start by identifying the behaviors that have been driving Y/N away."

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