Speak up - Poly!Mike x shy!reader x Zoey

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Requested by: zzz-yla
Setting: Adulthood

After the events of Revenge of the Island, you, Mike and Zoey have been inseparable, living together for about a year already. It was a relationship that was hard to navigate at first, but you knew you all had unconditional love for each other, and accepted each other's differences.

You and Zoey loved Mike for his quirks and supported him through his DID, you and Mike loved Zoey for her naiveity, and they loved you for your shyness. You were a trio who found solace in each other.

Mike and Zoey conversed in the kitchen, caught up in ideas about the next date. You tried to focus on your food, knowing you wouldn't join in because you were embarrassed to voice your ideas. This was one of the things you struggled with in the relationship, especially because Mike and Zoey had been together before you. You couldn't help but feel they won't like your ideas at all.

"Hey Y/N, we were thinking of going to the movies tomorrow. What do you think?" Mike asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You nodded, "Sure."

Zoey and Mike looked at each other, noticing your hesitation then Zoey asked, "Y/N, are you sure? You know, we've noticed that you never voice what you want to do in our relationship. Is there a reason why?"

You blushed a little, embarrassed. "Um.. I guess I just get scared you won't like my ideas."

Mike and Zoey pulled you into a group hug, then Mike kissed your forehead. Mike gave you a warm smile, "Y/N, of course we would love to hear your ideas! We love you, remember? Tell you what, we will give you time to plan the next date and you can do whatever you'd like."

You mumbled, meeting their gaze, "Are you sure?"

"We're more than sure!" Zoey beamed, hugging you tighter.

"Take the time you need, Y/N and just let us know!" Mike smiled, putting his hand on your shoulder. "It doesn't have to be anything complicated. Just be yourself!"

"I will." You promised, hugging both of them.

When you got into the bedroom, you took out your notebook and phone, and began researching potential ideas for a date. There were a lot of things you wanted to do, but it was hard narrowing it down.

After a lot of debating and crossing out ideas down a list, you decided to take your partners to a date where you could express how much you appreciate and love them. This was your first time suggesting a date idea, so you wanted it to be special.

You decided to plan a picnic in the park with food you cooked yourself. You knew how much they liked food, and calming scenarios, and believed it would be a good first idea for you to bring into the table.

While Mike and Zoey went to sleep, you stayed up later preparing their favorite foods to surprise them. You knew you were going to be tired, but you felt they were worth it.

The next morning, as you, Mike and Zoey arrived at the park, your nerves started getting the best of you. Your chest was filled with butterflies, and you were tense throughout the ride. You avoided looking up at the park, instead focusing on playing with your hands. You felt this would be a bad idea and they'd get bored.

Mike and Zoey glanced at you, seeing you were nervous, and Zoey gently rubbed your shoulder, when you all got down from the car. They both held your hands, as you walked to find a spot, assuring you that it would be okay, and they loved your idea.

Despite their reassurance, you were afraid that your date won't live up to their expectations.

You all settled down on the ground, laying a blanket over it.

"So, what did our amazing Y/N prepare?" Mike teased, making you blush.

You covered your face, chuckling shyly. You then open the picnic basket revealing a series of Mike and Zoey's favorite foods and desserts. They gaped in shock, seeing how hard you worked for this date.

"Y/N.. You didn't have to do all this!" Zoey gasped, gazing at the dishes.

You giggled, grabbing a plate. "Well, dig in! I planned this, didn't I?"

"Yes you did, and we're proud of you!" Mike gave you a warm smile, squeezing your hand. "We love you, Y/N."

"I love you guys too." You smiled.

The rest of the hour, you all shared funny stories about work, and past memories over lunch, and told each other jokes. Your fears started to fade, and you felt more assured knowing Mike and Zoey were supportive partners who valued you.

You truly believed that this date had brought you all closer, and they felt the same way. They were happy that you stepped out of your shell, and gained the confidence to speak up about your ideas too. They were excited for you to continue speaking up as the relationship progressed. They knew it would still take time, but they'll always be there to encourage you.

You felt your eyes grow heavy, and let out a soft yawn. Mike and Zoey noticed, giving you a playful smile.

"Aww, Y/N is tired." Zoey chuckled, pulling you closer to her, and brought your head to her chest. "You can sleep on me."

"Thank you." You mumbled, letting exhaustion take over.

Mike and Zoey smiled adoringly, knowing you were so committed to making this special that you lacked sleep. However, they hoped that next time, you would have more rest.

Once the date ended, Mike carried you to the car, and Zoey got inside, putting Mike's jacket over you like a blanket.

Zoey kissed your forehead then whispered, "Thank you for today, Y/N. We love you."

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