Chaotic dates - Izzy x reader

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Setting: Adulthood

Thought Izzy deserved some love :) Now the whole Team E-scope is in this book. 

"Come on, Y/N!" Izzy laughed, shaking you awake. "Let's go ride our bikes down the hill!"

You sighed, but got up anyway. You loved Izzy, but a majority of the time, when it was her turn to plan dates, it was chaotic. You stayed over at her place for the first time last night, and she promised you your date with her wouldn't be too crazy. So much for that. 

You wanted to tell Izzy how you felt, but you were afraid of hurting her feelings. You had just started dating her two months ago, and didn't want her to lose interest in you. You loved Izzy's adventurous side, but sometimes you wished that she could take things easy. It was not a secret that she was more outgoing and energetic, whereas, you were more quiet and reserved. You enjoyed the adventures sometimes but not when they were always risking your safety. 

After you've finished getting ready, you meet Izzy outside her house towards her car. You helped her put your bikes in the backseat before she drove away. 

"This is gonna be awesome!" Izzy laughed, starting the car. "I've been wanting to do this for weeks."

You forced out a smile, "Yeah. It sounds exciting."

Izzy glanced at the driver besides her and had an idea. She smirked, speeding the car up, trying to race them. She sped the car faster and faster, until she ran every red light. 

"Izzy, please slow down!" You cried, gripping your seatbelt in fear. She ignored you and kept speeding the car faster. "Izzy, stop! We're going to crash!"

Izzy laughed, then slowed down the car. "Sorry about that, baby girl. I just wanted to have fun, that's all. You're so cute when you're scared!" 

You sighed, trying to push down your anxiety. "Thank you for slowing the car." 

Izzy arrived at the destination, which was an abandoned street with the hill she talked about last night. Izzy told you that the hill was manmade and formed out of abandoned rocks and broken pieces of building. It was big enough for people to climb and ride down it. Izzy wanted to try it out with you. 

You gazed at the hill, already regretting your decision to not tell Izzy that some of her dates were too dangerous. You got your bike down from the car, still gazing at the hill. 

"Pretty neat, huh?" Izzy smirked at your reaction. She got her bike down. "Let's go!" 

You gulped in fear, trying to push down your anxiety as much as you could. You knew this would end badly for one of you, so you tried to speak up for the first time, "Izzy.. This looks unsafe. What if one of us gets hurt?" 

Izzy shook her head, smiling widely. "Nonsense! It's perfectly okay to me. I've been through worse."

You sighed and decided to not press it. Izzy just looked happy and you didn't want to ruin your date with her. 

Izzy got on her bike first, then rode down the hill, with her laugh echoing the area. She put her hands up, enjoying the thrill of the ride. She parked her bike like a pro, then got off, and gave you an encouraging smile, "Your turn, Y/N!"

You shook in fear, but tried to mask your anxiety with a brave smile. "Okay.. Here we go." 

You got on your bike then began going down the rocky hill. You felt every bump, knowing it was going to mess up your tires. At first things seemed to go okay, until your shaky grip slipped, and your bike stumbled upon a sharp rock, making you fall down the hill off your bike. The tire went flat, and you groaned in pain. 

"Y/N!" Izzy gasped, running up to you. She frowned in guilt, seeing tears stream down your face. "Baby, I'm so sorry."

You clutched your ankle, whimpering in pain. You couldn't hold back your cries.  "It hurts.. It hurts. I think I twisted it."

Izzy looked at your ankle, seeing it was red and swollen with some scratches. She quickly carried you to the car, feeling extremely guilty about this. 

"We need to get home so I can take care of it." Izzy told you, buckling your seatbelt. She went to get both of your bikes, setting it in the backseat. 

Izzy started the car, then drove back to her place. 

"This isn't your fault." You mumbled, as Izzy bandaged your ankle. "I still had fun." 

You still wanted to tell her how you felt, and you wished you would have spoken up earlier. You knew it wasn't Izzy's fault you were injured, but you wanted her to know that she needs to take things easy with you from now on. 

Izzy sat next to you on her bed, leaning against you. She took your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours. 

You sighed, then decided that now was the time to speak up. "Izzy.. I love going on adventures with you. I love your adventurous spirit, and I find every aspect of it creative and unique.. However, we need a balance. We need to take these adventures slower and safer." 

Izzy listened, as you began saying more about how you felt from these adventures, and finally realized how much those dates have taken a toll on you. She pulled you into a hug, then kissed your cheek. 

"I'm sorry for not considering how you felt, and I'll do my best to keep that in mind, especially when your safety is at risk." Izzy assured you, hugging you tighter. "I never want anything happening to you, Y/N. I won't ever forgive myself for it." 

"We can still have adventures." You assured Izzy, hugging her back. "I just want things to be more safe, okay?"

Izzy nodded in understanding, then pulled you into a kiss. 

After that day, Izzy became more mindful and made sure that every date she took you on was safe and within your comfort zone. She made sure to find the balance between adventure and safety. 

Izzy also became more open to reserved and romantic dates, where you both enjoyed cozy nights cuddling together while watching movies. It was a balance that was good for you both. 

What happened on that day at the hill brought you two closer, because you both learned the importance of communication and understanding. 

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