Test the waters - MK x reader

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Requested by: Gkdndn 

Setting: TDI season 2 (Let's pretend it's on an island again for this story since I haven't seen any specific information regarding the new season) 

It has been a few months since the last season of the revival for Total Drama Island, and there were a mix of reactions from the contestants about returning to the new season. You were a new contestant who decided to join alongside your girlfriend MK, who participated in the previous season. MK was excited for you to join her, and she knew you both would make an unstoppable team. 

You, on the other hand, were nervous because you knew that in Total Drama, the pressure of the competition can be overwhelming and test even the strongest relationships. You only wanted to join the show alongside MK so you could help her win, and for you to spend more time with her. You could care less about the prize. 

"Baby, it's okay if you're a little nervous. I'm here for you, remember?" MK reassured you, putting her hands on yours. You snapped out of your thoughts to see your girlfriend's concerned expression. MK's eyes were full of compassion and love as she looked at you.

You nodded, trying to push the butterflies down. "Thank you."

You and MK's boat soon arrived on the island, and Chris introduced you two one by one to the cameras. You gave a shy wave to the cameras, and MK giggled at this gesture, putting her arm around you. 

You noticed that some of the contestants looked shocked that MK brought you along. You couldn't help but feel self conscious. MK noticed this then wrapped her arms tighter around you, sending the other contestants a sharp glare. 

It was no secret that no one trusted MK due to her past decisions last season. You didn't blame the other contestants for not trusting her, but you knew that no matter what happened, you'd still stay by her side. You knew MK was a good person. She just tends to let competition get the best of her. 

"I got you, and you got me. Right?" MK whispered in your ear with a small smile. You nodded in response, glad to have someone to rely on in this scary, unfamiliar place.

To your great relief, you and MK were on the same team again. The first challenge was announced, and you and MK decided to pair together.

 "What are you doing?" You whispered to MK, as she worked on sabotaging the other team's progress. She had a determined look in her eyes.

"Making sure we win this, baby girl." MK replied, finishing up the machine. "There." 

You weren't surprised to see that MK's scheme worked and that she tweaked the machine the other team was using so it could malfunction. Before you could say anything, MK took your hand and hurried back to your team's spot. MK noticed how nervous you were, so she gave you a gentle peck on the cheek. You smiled, feeling your heart flutter. 

 The two of you stood there for a moment, just looking at each other. Finally, you broke the silence. "Do you think we'll win?" You asked. 

MK nodded. "There's no way we'll lose if we have you on our side." You smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

You and MK continued to help the team with the challenge and thanks to MK's sabotage, you all won. Your heart swelled with happiness, sulking in victory. 

Afterwards, you and MK decided to spend time together, walking along the beach and admiring the stars.

"I'm glad you're here, Y/N." MK said, glancing up at the stars. She tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled.

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