Memories at the zoo - Dawn x male!reader FLUFF

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Requested by: Dario_Ivanovski
AU: Adult


"We'll see you guys later." You said, walking away with your girlfriend, Dawn.

You, Dawn and Zoey and Mike had a double date today at the zoo. Mike was your best friend, since high school, and he was the one who introduced you to Dawn, during English class.

At first, you were a bit weirded out by how much Dawn guessed right about you, since she read auras, but you got used to it. You fell for her kindness towards everyone, and her care for animals. You asked her out about a year ago, on Valentine's day and since then, your relationship had been going strong.

"Do you want some shaved ice?" You ask, looking towards the stand.

Dawn nods, and you both head to the stand, where Dawn orders a strawberry and you order a blueberry.

After you finish eating your snow cones, you noticed that Dawn's lips were blue. You smiled to yourself, thinking of an idea.

"You got a little something on your face." You chuckle, and Dawn gasps, holding up her phone, trying to spot it.


You kissed her, making her lips turn purple.

"Y/N!" Dawn laughs, blushing slightly. "I see you have been reading those corny websites."

You smirk, "And what about it?"

"Your aura is very green right now." She playfully rolled her eyes, taking your hand. "But I love it."

You both headed towards the horses, and you helped Dawn onto it.

"I've never ridden a horse before." You admit, "Do you think it will be okay?"

Dawn nodded, "Don't worry about it."

You spent the next twenty minutes, riding the horse around the closed area. You both smiled, feeling the wind through your hair.

"This is fun!" Dawn laughed, holding onto you more.

"I would like to do this again sometime!" You exclaimed, gripping the rope tighter.

Suddenly, you both fell off the horse, then got into a tickle fight on the ground. The sounds of your laughter can be heard from miles away.

"Look at those two dorks." Zoey chuckled, as she walked along with Mike.

Mike laughed, then yelled out, "Hey weirdos! Get a room!"

You stopped tickling Dawn, then turned, seeing the couple and jokingly gave them the bird, "You two are the ones to talk! You show PDA twenty four seven!"

"You got us." Zoey said, as her and Mike headed towards you.

"Let's get lunch." Dawn chuckled, as you helped her up. "I'm starving!"

Zoey and Mike followed you and Dawn from behind, to go to the food hut.

You tucked Dawn's hair behind her ear, then wrapped your arm around her.

"I'm glad I got to spend time with you today." You told her, walking towards the food hut.

You pulled Dawn's chair open for her and she smiled, sitting down,  "I'm glad too."

You and Dawn ordered cheese pizza, and a strawberry smoothie.

"The last one to finish owes the other a kiss." You said, placing two straws into the cup.

"Oh you're so on." Dawn smirked, putting the straw in her mouth.

You sipped the smoothie as fast as you could, then stopped abruptly because of brain freeze.

"Oww!" You groaned, feeling your head. "I drank too fast."

Dawn finished the last of the smoothie, then grinned widely. "I guess you owe me a kiss."

You playfully rolled your eyes, and leaned across the table to kiss Dawn on the lips.

You closed your eyes, smiling deeply into the kiss. Dawn ran her hand through your hair, climbing onto the table to kiss you more. You moved away the plates, and pulled her closer to you.

"Uhm, you guys." You heard Mike say, then you and Dawn pulled apart, to look at him.

"What?" You asked.

"The zoo is almost closing. We have to get going."

You sighed, then helped Dawn off the table.

"Want to go to my place to watch movies?" You asked Dawn, "You can pick the movie."

Dawn nodded, smiling. "Sure!"

Once you and Dawn got into the car, you turned on the playlist you both created, and headed to your house.

You smiled, as you listened to Dawn's beautiful voice singing along to the fray.

You knew you were the luckiest man alive to have her.


You threw yourself onto your bed, switching the TV on to play the movie The invisible man.

Dawn cuddled close to you, and you kissed the top of her forehead, not really paying attention to the movie.

"Babe." You said, playing with her hair.

Dawn looked up at you, with sleepy eyes. "Yes?"

"I love you and I'm the luckiest man in the world to call you mine."

Dawn groaned, laughing lightly, "Y/N, love you need to stop reading those cliche blogs! But I do love you and I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you."

You pulled her closer to your chest, and spent the rest of the evening snuggling, while the movie just went on.

You looked down to see that Dawn fell asleep, and you smiled at how beautiful she was.

"Sweet dreams, my angel."

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