Meet me in the afterglow - Cody x reader LEMON

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Requested by: Enderthewitch
AU: Adult, after total drama.

Six years later, after total drama, Geoff and Bridgette, along with Blaineley hosted a reunion party at a fancy hotel. Many former total drama contestants, along with other famous people were there.

You felt a bit out of place attending with your fiance, Cody, because you were never in any type of show. You were just a fan of total drama, who was lucky enough to win over Cody's heart.

A year after total drama ended, you met and recognized Cody at an ice cream parlor. He was in front of you in line, and you told him you were rooting for him to win, during world tour. Cody appreciated what you said, and the next thing you knew, he would regularly visit that ice cream parlor and see you a lot, since you really loved ice cream. You both would always make small talk, which turned into a friendship, then something more. You knew your love for ice cream would eventually benefit you somehow.

Trent and Noah, who sat across from you and Cody in the ballroom were telling their crazy stories about their time in the show. You laughed at their sense of humor, and leaned onto Cody, as he put his arm around you.

Cody took the cake in front of you, and spoon fed you, while you playfully rolled your eyes at him. He noticed you had cake all over your face, and wiped it off you. You smiled, "Thank you, love."

All was well for the next twenty minutes, as you spent time laughing with the three men. You didn't think anything could go wrong, until a model with blue hair and a red dress, who you recognized from vogue approached your table.

"Hi baby." She greeted, rubbing Cody's shoulder.

You quickly looked up at the girl and frowned. This had happened many times before. The worst part was Cody is completely oblivious that this upsets you. You knew you should tell him, but you didn't want to come off as controlling.

Cody blushed and smiled at the model. "Hey."

You glanced at Trent and Noah, who were lost in their own conversation. You picked up your fork and tried to focus on your cake, without listening to the flirty comments the model was making towards your fiance.

After a good five minutes, you decided to speak up. "Um, hi. I'm Cody's fiance."

The girl and Cody turned towards you. The girl smiled smugly at you, while Cody looked confused.

"I didn't notice you were there." The girl laughed. Cody chuckled nervously at her comment, which made you a bit pissed off.

"Wow." You smiled sarcastically at her. You glanced at Cody, expecting him to do something, but he just kept continuing to talk to her. You sat there for the next fifteen minutes, getting angrier.

You abruptly grabbed your purse, then stood up, leaving the table.

"Hey, where are you going?" You heard Cody ask from behind you. You ignored him, and kept walking faster out of the hotel. You took out your phone, calling a cab to go back home.


Cody ran out of the hotel, feeling the rain pour down on him. It was dark, and it was cold outside. He spotted you by the entrance, patiently waiting for the cab.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" You heard Cody ask, as he stood next to you.

You snapped your head at him, sending him a sharp glare. "I don't know, you tell me!"

Cody sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Y/N, I thought we were having a good time. Why are you acting like this?"

You avoided his gaze, trying to calm yourself down. "Just leave me alone."

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