Unconditional love - Mike x DIDsystem!Male reader

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Requested by: EvangelinWalle
Setting: Adulthood

Note: Time fast forwards a lot in this oneshot dealing with Mike's alters spending time with you. I did my best to research DID from the most trustworthy sources to write this, so if I made a mistake and it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know! 


You and Mike met at the most unexpected place; An outreach for individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Mike stood out to you, not only from his time on Total Drama, but because of how passionate he was about his system, and how much he cared for each of his alters, along with other people. You have been together for about three months now, and are still finding new things to love about each other everyday. 

While Mike coped well with his DID most of the time, you've been struggling lately. It's been challenging to communicate with your alters, and you've been feeling like you were losing control.

Last night, you were suddenly in the middle of the street, crying without fully knowing why. You had no idea how you got there or who was around. Fortunately, Mike was there to take you away from the situation before anything bad happened. Now, it's morning, and you have a huge headache and are exhausted.

"Here is some tea and cookies to relieve your headache." Mike said, handing you the tea and cookies. He sat beside you on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." You replied, drinking your tea. "Thank you for taking care of me, especially Doris."

Doris is your persecutor alter, who has been around since the beginning of the system. It has been hard to communicate with him, and you didn't want to. You wished that all of your alters would just go away. It was hard for you to accept your DID.

"I know you have." Mike responded, his voice filled with deep concern. "Doris has been through a lot.. But, you have to remember that all of your alters are still you. They need your help and support, even if it is just mentally. Be patient with them, and understand that they are doing their best to communicate with you."

"I know, it's just that they are so different from me, and it's hard to understand them sometimes." You sighed, folding your arms and leaning back into the sofa.

"I know they are very different from you, but they are still you, Y/N. They are doing their best to communicate with you, so please listen to them. I know it's hard, but try to understand them and be patient with them. They need you." Mike said, his voice filled with concern and love.

"Thanks, Mike." You said, smiling at him.

"You're welcome, Y/N. I'm here if you need anything." Mike said, thinking about how he could help you. His experience with DID hasn't always been smooth either.

"Actually, Mike." You said, taking a deep breath. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Mike asked, his voice filled with confusion.

"Communicate with your alters.. Handle all of them. I know you have your struggles, but you cope a lot better than me. How do you do it?"

Mike smiled then wrapped his arm around you, bringing you closer to him. "I've been talking with my psychiatrist and mental health team regularly and we've been practicing healthy approaches towards addressing this. We've been working on it, and I think we're on the right track. I'm hoping we can keep it up so I can keep coping. My alters and I can help you, as long as you go back into treatment."



Mike communicated with his system through a messaging app, and informed them that you needed their help. All of them agreed immediately, knowing just how much you meant to Mike and how much they would be able to help.

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