Clean - Julia x reader

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Requested by: Raghhhcapitalism
Setting: After the first season of TD 2023

"You're worthless and your clothes are tacky." Julia said confidently, responding to a comment while she was on a livestream.

You sighed as you sat on the couch watching her. Ever since Julia was exposed on social media during her time on Total Drama, she became more mean than usual. She claims she's not afraid to be the "Real Julia," but it's taken a huge toll on your relationship.

Of course, you knew that Julia's past facade as "Sweet and innocent," was just for social media and she did have a mean streak, but it's like now, her mean streak is more pronounced.

"Julia, we need to talk." You said, firmly.

Julia scoffed, still on her livestream. "Just wait, Y/N. I'm trying to tell these dumbasses what they're missing."

You narrowed your eyes then went to your living room to disconnect the internet.

"Y/N, what did you do that for?" Julia yelled.

You shook your head, walking back to your bedroom. "Julia, this is getting out of control."

"No it's not! People are finally seeing the real me."

"The real you? The toxic and mean-spirited you?"

Julia paused for a moment, taking in your words. "How am I being toxic? I'm just speaking the truth."

"Julia, your words hurt and they aren't necessary." You explained, hoping she could understand. "It's not necessary to keep fueling the fire. You may have gained a lot of followers, but that's because they're there for the drama. Julia, I just don't want this to lead to your downfall."

"Maybe.. Ugh! Maybe you're right. What should I do?"

You thought for a moment, before replying. "Maybe taking a social media break might help. It's really up to you. I just don't want you to be surrounded by negativity anymore."

Julia proceeded to hand you her phone, "Here."


"I don't want it."

You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, knowing that your girlfriend could be so dramatic at times. "Julia, this is not what I meant."

Julia extended the phone towards you even more. "I mean it. I don't want it anymore. It's causing me so much distress."

You reluctantly took the phone from her. "Okay, Julia.. But please talk to me if you want it back. I feel so weird holding your phone."

"Of course."

You smiled, knowing she was willing to communicate. "How about we do something together off social media? We can explore the blackberry field or go to the waterfall."

"Why not both?"

"Let's go!"


You and Julia strolled through the blackberry fields together, picking the juiciest berries and occasionally feeding them to each other. The sun shone down on the fields, and the warm breeze blew through the trees.

"Isn't this better than social media?" You teased, playfully nudging her as she ate a blackberry.

Julia chuckled, "Close. I love the peaceful surroundings."

"Want to take pictures?"

Julia looked confused. "I thought we were avoiding social media."

You smiled, taking out your phone. "Who said we were posting these on social media?"

Julia giggled and then posed with you in front of the phone camera. You both smiled happily together as you took a lot of pictures together with you doing silly poses together such as pictures of you feeding Julia a blackberry, Julia giving you a piggyback ride, and you and Julia laying on the grass, holding hands.

"This is the most peace I've had for a long time." Julia admitted, intertwining her hands with yours.

"Isn't it nice to just step back for a little bit?" You asked, smiling as you showed her the pictures you took together. "You're beautiful, Julia. I wish you could stop focusing so much on what other people say."

"I wish too.. But I'll try not to let it get to me. I'm stronger than they think I am."

"Exactly! Embrace your inner beauty, Julia. You're not what people say about you."


The next day, you and Julia decided to go swim by the waterfall. You took her there, so she could appreciate life a little more outside the screen. You and Julia changed into your swimwear, before taking a dive in the crystal clear waters.

You noticed Julia was lost in thought and you giggled, gently splashing her with the water. Julia turned towards you, smiling playfully as she splashed you back.

You both got into a little splash fight, then raced each other in the water. After several minutes, you both decided to go under the waterfall.

You sat there together in silence, enjoying the surroundings. Julia felt content, knowing that even though she wasn't livestreaming to show these moments on social media, she had you. These moments with you was enough for her.

During the next week from that day, you believed that Julia was off social media still because she gave you her phone. However, little did you know, she had extra phones due to being a rich influencer and was using social media behind your back.

You decided to surprise visit Julia and her mom let you in the house. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion when you noticed Julia live-streaming, talking shit to her followers and on a phone.

You glanced at Julia's phone she gave you in your pocket then back at her. Then you slowly checked your social media. To your surprise, she blocked you, just so she could post whatever she wanted.

"Wow." You laughed in disbelief. "You seriously blocked me? After our time together last week?"

Julia's face fell and guilt took over, as she quickly ended her live stream, "Y/N, it's not what you think.. I just.. I.."

You decided to take a different approach, hoping to understand her more. "Why did you block me and why were you talking bad about people?"

Julia blushed, looking down, ashamed. "I just.. Y/N, I can't stop. All these people saying things about me when I'm not around.."

"Okay, but why did you block me?"

Julia sighed, deciding to explain herself, "Because I was ashamed and I didn't want you to see the way I was defending myself. I'm really sorry, Y/N."

You smiled slightly, "Julia, you know you can always talk to me, right? That's what girlfriends are for."

"I didn't want to bother you."

"Since when do you bother me?" You asked, gently. "You may be a bit intense sometimes but that doesn't mean I don't want to be there for you. We're supposed to be in this together. We're a team."

Julia nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I realize that now.."

You set aside her phone from her hands and put the phone she gave you on her desk. "It's going to take some time for me to believe that completely. However, I still would like to walk through this with you.. If you would let me."

Julia nodded, "Of course. No more messing around. I'll try not to listen too much about what other people say. I'll focus on my own voice."

"It's a work in progress and that's normal." You told Julia. "We'll take it one step at a time. Remember to focus on your voice. You know yourself more than anyone."

Julia smiled, knowing that despite what people said about her, despite the drama she was going through, she knew you were still with her despite her mistakes, ready to take on a fresh start together.

It was new.

It was clean.

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