Renegade - Mal x reader PART 2

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Requested by: Sugarxspice

TDAS episode 'The final Wreck-ening'


Ever since Mal told you, "This is to assure you I'm not going anywhere,' you kept thinking about it. As much as you wanted to believe his promise to you, you didn't know if it would be possible for Mal to stay with you forever. He wasn't Mike, and you knew that it would be wrong for Mike to just disappear.

Today was the finale, and you returned as Mal's helper after he popped a balloon, along with Alejandro. Heather waited on the side, since Mal accidentally shot an extra balloon.

Mal greeted you with a hug and kiss to the forehead, much to Zoey's dismay. You pulled away quickly in guilt, not wanting to get on Zoey's bad side.

"I didn't know I would be lucky." Mal smirked, pulling you into another hug. You were tense, but hugged back.

You, Alejandro, Gwen and Cameron sat in the back of the ride, while Chris started introducing the challenge.

"Let's not try to hurt Mal." Zoey told all of you. "Mike's still in there, right Cameron?"

Cameron sighed, "I don't think so, Zoey. And it's possible that Mal was always Mal and Mike was just one personality. Either way, Mike's gone."

Zoey looked like she was about to cry, and you felt bad for her. You imagined yourself in her shoes, losing the one you loved. It didn't help that Mal was so affectionate and sweet to you, when he had the face of the one that belonged to her.

Maybe Mal staying here forever wasn't a good idea.

Zoey sniffled, then her expression changed to anger. "If Mal is really Mal, let's go out, crush him, and win this thing!"

Gwen and Cameron cheered, while you were still deep in thought.

Cameron's bubble accidentally backed towards Mal, and Mal kicked it away. "Keep your garbage on your side!" Cameron screamed, as he rolled away.

You glanced at Mal, feeling even more uneasy about him, and how he can hurt others easily without caring.

"Good luck Zoey!" Mal smirked. "You're gonna need it."

Chris announced it was time to start the challenge, and everyone ran.

Mal tried to carry you and throw you across the toxic river, and you yelped in panic for him to put you down. The river was too wide, but Mal was confident that he would throw you across.

"Take it easy, baby. I'm not going to hurt you." He told you, about to throw you. You shook in fear, trying to escape him, but he just held you tighter. "Stop trying to fight it!"

Alejandro quickly intervened, looking concerned for you, "Stop! I've got a way across! We can pole vault."

Mal continued climbing up the mountain, while you and Alejandro waited on the other side of the river. You looked up, and saw him throw Cameron and Gwen down. Gwen groaned in pain, limping.

You witnessed Mal on a pogostick, jumping as high as he could, attempting to drown Zoey. You gasped in horror, feeling your heart drop. Alejandro noticed then Heather walked towards you both, then invited you to ride across the river with them.

By the time you got to the other side and planned to stop Mal, Mike came back, punching Fang, the shark, away from Zoey.

"Mike is it really you? Like really, really?" Zoey asked, hopefully.

Mike leaned closer to Zoey, "From now on, I am all Mike. All the time."

Zoey looked doubtful, until Mike asked, "Hey, where's the necklace I gave you?"

Zoey's face lit up then she pulled Mike into a kiss. Your heart ached a little with both happiness for Zoey and Mike, but grief for the love that you wanted, but couldn't have. You looked away, deciding to just let them be.

You couldn't have Mal, not only because he was an alter, but because he was dangerous and capable of attempted murder. He almost threw you across a toxic river, nearly harming you, tried to drown Zoey, and hurt Cameron and Gwen. He most likely did so much more harm without you knowing.

Despite the fact that Mal assured you he would never hurt you, and that he loved you, he was dangerous. He wasn't the one for you.

You also knew you couldn't have Mike. His heart belongs to Zoey, and even though you were there for him and that you both had something in the beginning, you could never be the girl he wanted.

You sighed, then smiled softly despite your sadness. You believe that everything happens for a reason, and if it's meant to be, it will be.

It is time to move on.

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