Bowling night - Mal x male!reader

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Requested by: Kermit_king
Setting: Bowling alley, takes place after All stars.
Note: I had to change the scenario like three times because I couldn't decide on one! 😭😆  I hope you enjoy though.

You and Mal were at the bowling alley for your date together. It was your turn to choose the date and you decided on bowling because you used to go bowling with your relatives as a child every Friday night. You decided to relive the nostalgia with your boyfriend, Mal.

Mal was hesitant about going to the bowling alley because he thought it was lame. However, he ended up giving in because as much as he hated to admit it, he would do anything to make you happy. Ever since you said yes to being his boyfriend, he only wanted to make you feel loved and appreciated since you always made him feel loved for who he was. Even though most of the time he'd have an attitude, he tried his best.

Mal was surprisingly good at bowling, but you weren't. You kept missing the pins or scoring low, causing the other participants in your team to get irritated at you. You never gave up, and kept trying your best.

"Come on, Y/N! You can do this." Mal smiled, giving you an encouraging nod. He handed you the bowling ball, and you walked over back to the front.

Again, you missed the pins, causing a foul and the other participants from the other team, who were a family having a party, laughed at you. Some people from your team just mumbled under their breath. You frowned in embarrassment, and Mal noticed this, protectively wrapping an arm around you, sending the participants a glare.

You shook your head, sitting down at your seat, deciding to take a few minutes to yourself before trying again. Maybe you just needed some rest.

Mal thought to himself for a moment, then leaned in to peck your cheek. He smiled, as you looked up, "Baby? Why don't you get us some drinks, since you're taking a break?"

You nodded, standing up from your seat. "Okay."


As you were away to get some soda from the bar that was inside the bowling alley, Mal approached the other team without them knowing, observing their weaknesses. Through his observation, he saw evidence that the stuck up lady who laughed at you was cheating on her husband with his brother who was also at the bowling alley.

Mal smirked, then approached the trio and said, "Your wife looks way too comfortable with your brother."

The guy looked up in confusion and his wife began to turn red, "Pardon?"

Mal grinned then gestured go her phone, "Check the text messages between them, even that hickey she is hiding on her neck with way too much makeup."

As Mal left, he heard yelling and arguing amongst the whole family. The wife stormed off, leaving the brother and husband at the scene. Mal could hear the grandmother scolding the husband. He laughed to himself, then went to your table before you arrived with drinks. He knew the family wouldn't just leave because it was someone's birthday.

When you arrived with drinks, Mal gestured for you to try bowling again.

"I'm not sure, Mal-"

"Just trust me. You can do it." 

You nodded, then went up when it was your turn to play. You turned towards the participant and noticed there was some tension with the other team. You swung the ball, and only hit two, but when the other person swung, they missed.

You heard more arguing erupt from the team.

This continued for the next few rounds, where someone from the other team did worse than you. You then began to feel more confident and started scoring higher points for your team, even getting two strikes. Mal would always give you a proud smile, and a high five every time you scored.

You were confused as to why the other team suddenly sucked, but Mal just insisted you just needed confidence. This went on and on, until your team won.

"Yeah!" You cheered, and Mal pulled you into a hug, then kissed your forehead. You blushed and he chuckled, pulling you closer, not caring that others glanced at you two. He buried his face into your hair, hugging you even closer. He still felt proud of you despite him having to sabotage the other team just for you to be more confident.

Mal took the drinks you bought from the table and began walking away with you, "Let's get some pizza?"



"That was fun, babe." You smiled, holding Mal's hand, as he continued to drive away.

Mal picked up your hand, kissing it quickly. "It was."

Mal smiled to himself, knowing he would never tell you he sabotaged the other team just so you and him could win.

You smiled to yourself, knowing that you knew Mal was involved in this, but would never tell him that you knew.

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