Misunderstandings - Duncan x reader

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Requested by: AllisonTart and PaytonCollins969. Both of you requested for Duncan at the same time. :) Hope you like it!

Plot credit: AllisonTart :)

Setting: TDI 'Basic Straining'


"I can't believe we are doing this!" You chuckled, crawling into Chef's food supply with Duncan.

Duncan brought his fingers to his lips. He whispered, "Shh! If we get caught, you won't get your ice cream!"

You chuckled, then quickly covered your mouth. Duncan looked at you, finding you cute.

You had been friends with Duncan since childhood, and stayed close throughout your time on Total Drama with him. You've had feelings for him for awhile, but you were unsure if you should confess your feelings to him, because it seemed like he liked Courtney. You always sought advice from your best friend, Gwen, and Gwen told you that you should face your fears to just tell him, since you would never know.

You and Duncan arrived at the cabins, where you passed the food out to the other contestants. They were all grateful, especially after the hard day Chef had to put you guys through today. However, Courtney stood on the side, looking not so impressed.

"This is amazing, Y/N." Gwen smiled. She glanced around the room, then leaned closer to you, cupping her hand towards her mouth. "So, did you tell him."

"No." You sighed, then looked at Duncan, who was conversing with Courtney. "Gwen, what if he likes Courtney?"

Gwen smiled, then took your hands. "Y/N, don't jump to conclusions. We don't know if he likes Courtney. You don't have to tell him just yet, but think about it. What if you spend more of your time wondering?"

You thought about it for a moment then nodded, "I guess you're right. Thank you, Gwen."

Gwen replied, "No problem. I'm here for you."

After Duncan was done talking with Courtney, he approached you then asked, "Can we have a minute?"

You glanced at Gwen then she gave you an encouraging smile. You turned towards Duncan, "Sure."

You walked outside the cabin with Duncan, then you shut the door from behind you. You looked at him, confused. "Is everything okay?"

Duncan shrugged, "Yeah, but I've been wanting to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

Just as Duncan was about to say something, Courtney opened the door, then gave you a fake yet irritated smile. "Duncan! Can you help me with something?"

"Not now." Duncan sighed, hoping she'd go away.

Courtney scoffed then glared at him. "Why? It will just be for a few minutes."

Duncan glanced at you then back at Courtney. "Fine."

To your disappointment, they went back into the cabin together, and you could hear Courtney sweet talking to him. You decided to just stay out there alone until it was time for everyone to leave and go to bed. You just wanted to be alone, and forget about Duncan. You didn't see the point in confessing to him when he clearly liked Courtney.

The next day, after a series of challenges which were basically part two of Chef running the game. You were exhausted, and were relieved when the game was finally over. However, it sucked because your team lost.

You were waiting at the elimination ceremony, hearing everyone's name being called. You felt your heart start to race. Something felt off. You looked around, watching everyone receive their marshmallows and realized you were at the bottom two with Courtney. To your shock, you were voted off.

"Sorry, Y/N. Dock of shame awaits." Chris told you.

You looked down, as you got up from your seat to head towards the dock of shame. You felt tears slip down your cheeks, not understanding why your teammates didn't find you useful anymore. You helped Duncan get the food, so what happened?

Duncan. Maybe that's what happened. Maybe he voted you off, so he could not have any interruptions with Courtney and be with her. Courtney didn't like you, after all, so you felt that made sense. That thought just made you want to cry harder.

"Y/N, wait!" Duncan yelled, running up to you.

You turned around, "What?"

Duncan smiled sadly, then tossed a handmade skull at you. "I made this for you!"

You smiled, feeling your doubts for him disappear for a moment. "Thank you! But.." You hesitated for a moment, then remembered what Gwen had told you earlier about how you would never know unless you tried. You gathered your courage before it disappeared. "Duncan.. I really like you. No, I love you. I get that you don't feel the same way and you most likely like Courtney, but.."

Duncan interrupted you with a kiss. He pulled away then smirked, "Shut up! I don't see Courtney that way, I never did. I love you too, Y/N."

You jumped into Duncan's arms, startling him. Duncan laughed then hugged you back tightly.

You kissed Duncan's nose. "I guess I'll see you at the finale."

Duncan held your hands, "I'll miss you.. Take care."

You looked in the crowd of contestants as they watched your encounter with Duncan. Your team looked guilty for some reason, and this made you suspicious.

You narrowed your eyes at them then glanced at Duncan, "Why was I voted off though?"

The Killer Bass glanced at Courtney who looked like she was trying to hide something. She avoided their gaze, glaring at the ground.

Dj glared at Courtney then went up to you, "Y/N, Courtney had everyone on your team vote you off because she lied to them saying you were stealing Duncan from her, and that you tried to sabotage them. I didn't vote for you, but the others were convinced. On behalf of them, I'm really sorry this happened."

"I guess that's okay." You shrugged. "I'll kick her ass later."

Dj chuckled a little and Duncan laughed, then pulled you into a hug. Duncan mumbled, burying his face onto your shoulder. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." You smiled, then got onto the boat once you saw Chris gesture at you to hurry up. "Bye, you guys!"

As the boat took you to Playa de Losers, you held the skull Duncan made you then smiled. You were glad that all the misunderstandings were cleared up and you were finally his girlfriend.

You were still going to kick Courtney's ass though.

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